Category Archives: Before The Event

These are the signs that you will see before the event so that you know it is coming

I-85 Investigator Gunned Down — DR WILLIAM MOUNT

dr-william-mount21111111Trihn Huynh – an attorney that specializes in Construction and works for UPS – was gunned down yesterday by a paid assassin and it was caught on camera.This means that the Assassin’s Eye Prints have been captured and the Atlanta Police have already identified him – but are not working to arrest him.
Shame on you Atlanta Police – you need a new chief who will arrest these thugs. It also means that the shooter will be paid, and then killed. Dead men tell no tales. So what happened you may ask????…

via I-85 Investigator Gunned Down — DR WILLIAM MOUNT

GoldFish Report No. 78 [2-19-17]… “POTUS Update Week 5 with Kent Dunn”

Geophysicists: Earth’s Magnetic Poles Could Be About to Flip | Stillness in the Storm

(Jake Anderson) Life on Earth would likely not exist without the geomagnetic field that encases the planet. The product of iron convection churning deep within the planet’s outer core, the magnetosphere creates a literal force field that prevents solar winds from breaking down our atmosphere and allowing radioactive particles to besiege the surface. It has functioned in perpetuity for over 3 billion years, but every few hundred thousand years or so, the poles flip, weakening the field and leaving the Earth vulnerable to charged particles. The last magnetic pole flip took place during the Stone Age, 780,000 years ago. New evidence suggests the next reversal may be close…

Source: Geophysicists: Earth’s Magnetic Poles Could Be About to Flip | Stillness in the Storm

Are Earth’s Magnetic Poles About to Flip? » The Event Chronicle

The giant magnetic field surrounding Earth changes shape due to the planet’s north and south magnetic poles as well as the solar wind (the steady stream of particles coming from the sun).

Source: Are Earth’s Magnetic Poles About to Flip? » The Event Chronicle

Energy Wave Incoming – This One is Much More Intense

26Jan17 By Brian Hyland

Brian red.jpgI am feeling a very strong amount of energy buzzing through my body to go along with the bouts of lightheadedness. We must be getting another energy wave hitting us:-)

It has been reported that the sun has been caught on video discharging energy bursts. People posted about it yesterday. I think that we are very close to The Event now.

The sun is a living being(Logos) and has been charging up it’s energy for release solar system wide. A burst of energy (Gamma/Proton I’ve heard) will flash through our entire solar system and rid us of these pesky little parasites(AI and Dark Entities) that were lured here via a “Honey Trap” once and for all time.

The energy will flow through us(like it is now), upgrade our dna and ready us for Ascension. The effects from this will ripple out through space and time via our common DNA which we share with our galactic cousins.

This feels similar to the New Year’s Day blast, but much more intense. I feels like my head is floating. I sense that if it wasn’t for the New Year’s Day Blast, we would not be ready for this one.

I hope that you guys out there are coping well! I am going to bed to ride this out in comfort!:-)

Remember breathe, go with the flow and don’t get caught by the fear:-)




I CHOOSE A LIFE OF SERVICE! Is The Event’ happening on 14Jan17 – The Signs Are There


11 January 2017


Brian hyland melbourne.jpg

This morning I was made aware of my dad’s presence behind and supporting me. Now I can feel him and the tears are rolling!:-)

My other confirmation was yesterday when a friend said that she saw her Aunty inside her reflection in the mirror.

To me that makes two confirmations that deceased, loved ones are showing themselves to their living, loved ones here in Perth, Australia.

Looks like our loved ones have all come back to support us in this transformation that is about to occur.

“I was rocked the other day with what I felt to be a reversal of the gravity field on new years day around 11. It nearly knocked me off my feet. I broke out into multiple bodies, at least four or five all standing with me. I felt the ground shake for several hours with aftershocks.”

The Blue Avians told Corey Goode that when The Event/Energy Wave was almost upon us, we would get reports from all over the world of deceased, loved ones visiting the living.  “By this, you will know that it is almost upon you”.

This is the beginning of the New Golden Age that Cobra is calling NEW ATLANTIS!

The veil is an energy grid that extends 8.6 miles up from the surface of the planet. Its function is to block access to most of what is inside of us. It has been mined and latched with booby traps which are being deactivated before The Event can happen.   This frequency fence that blocks us, is ending, and is being replaced now with what Cobra is calling The NEW ATLANTIS ENERGY GRID.

At some point during or after the event, that part that is unconscious will become conscious again. It contains all of our past lives and memories and our 4D/5D/6D? abilities.

I have noticed that telepathy and synchronicity are increasingly present in my life. And for others around me too!

“We have been contained to only 2.3% of what looks to be an IMMENSE brain capacity.”-Kent Dunn

The event will allow the world to change. The Event will allow the GCR/RV, NESARA/GESARA, New financial system, new government, New free energy tech, replicators (advanced 3d printers), food clothing and shelter for the entire planet.

To my knowledge, The Event is not Ascension, but there are many entanglements in the understanding and unfolding of both of these events.

Continue reading I CHOOSE A LIFE OF SERVICE! Is The Event’ happening on 14Jan17 – The Signs Are There

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump Adds Jobs As Retail Collapses

Monday, January 9, 2017


President Elect is to add another million jobs to America as Retail across the nation falls apart.

First – The Trumpster has convinced Toyota to invest $10 Billion in America to create 1 Million Manufacturing Jobs in America.

For years there has been 6 jobs for every manufacturing job – so currently 12 Million Jobs would sustain 72 Million Jobs.

So now –  over a 5 year period – Toyota has agreed to create one million jobs in America.

With the current Tax Load and Tax Structure – nothing makes sense.

As for the IRS – they are a Foreign Owned Corporation and are not licensed in any state to operate and therefore taxes are voluntary — but do not test this unless your taxes are all paid up and you have a billion dollars off shore to fight this.

Second – The Trumpster has just negotiated a deal with Fiat-Chrysler to invest $1 Billion Dollars into the plant in Warren Michigan where they make the New Jeep Wrangler and Large SUVs.

Yup – the New Jeep Wrangler will be 100% American Made.

Third – The Trumpster has asked the Chinese to make parts headed for America in America or face tough tariffs.

China – You charge 100% tariffs on American made products  – we will charge 100% tariffs on Chinese made products coming into America

Tit for tat – equalize the playing field.

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump Adds Jobs As Retail Collapses

A bit more from (and about) Kent Dunn, 1-5-17… “GoldFish Report No. 66 Intel, Guest Kent Dunn Dishes Geopolitics and ExoPolitics- Southern Style” — Kauilapele’s Blog

[Kp update: I did learn while listening, that this was indeed recorded on 1-5-17.] The first time I ever posted a “Kent Dunn” was in this post from yesterday. As I said there, “I have listened to some of Kent Dunn’s intel from time to time, via Gary Larabee’s YouTube channel. I have found it […]

via A bit more from (and about) Kent Dunn, 1-5-17… “GoldFish Report No. 66 Intel, Guest Kent Dunn Dishes Geopolitics and ExoPolitics- Southern Style” — Kauilapele’s Blog