Category Archives: NAZI SSP

– 1930’s-

NEW on Audible! US Navy’s Secret Space Program & Nordic Alliance

The Amazon bestselling book that featured the ground breaking testimony of William Tompkins on the U.S. Navy’s Secret Space Program is finally available as an audiobook. Get it here! The Los Angeles Air Raid on February 24/25, 1942 opened an unprecedented chapter in the evolution of the US Navy…


Dauntless Dialogue 10-15-18… “Declassifying the Secret Space Program” (VIDEO & article)

Very much enjoyed, and resonated with, Adam’s presentation about the SSP, and the soon to release movie, “Above Majestic“…


Amazon intervention leads to new cover for Antarctica’s Hidden History

Antarctica’s Hidden History: Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs was simultaneously released in the United States and Europe through on March 25, 2018. The cover illustrated a handshake between a U.S…


Lunar landings: Shock claims of Nazi moon landing from Antarctica base

Lunar landings: Shock claims of Nazi moon landing from Antarctica base

THE Nazis were the first to land people on the Moon – beating US astronaut Neil Armstrong to it by 27 years, according to a loony conspiracy theory.


Cosmic Disclosure: Corroborating the Evidence with Michael Salla – Sphere-Being Alliance


Season 7, Episode 9


David Wilcock: All right, welcome to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I’m your host, David Wilcock. I’m here with Corey Goode, and our special guest this week is Dr. Michael Salla from the Exopolitics Institute.

We’re going to have a lot of fun with this. We’re going to get into William Tompkins and some of the amazing research that Michael Salla has done in validating even further some of the claims that might seem pretty outrageous that we’ve been discussing on this show.

So, Corey, welcome back.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: Dr. Salla, welcome to the show.

Dr. Michael Salla: Thank you, David.

David: Your site is called “Exopolitics”, so it sounds kind of self-explanatory, but I’d like you to just start by defining what you consider exopolitics to be.

 Michael Salla

Michael: Oh, sure. Well, I was teaching international politics at American University in Washington, D.C. when I first came across this information about extraterrestrial life and repressed technologies.

And the more I looked into this and did my due diligence, I found out that this was very real…

Source: Cosmic Disclosure: Corroborating the Evidence with Michael Salla – Sphere-Being Alliance

UPDATED: Cosmic Disclosure – Deeper Disclosures from William Tompkins | Gaia


William Tompkins returns to explain that full disclosure is akin to a consciousness renaissance which will require us to unlearn many things that we have accepted as unfaltering truth. Corey Goode confirms that all of this will come to light as the trickles of truth continue to swell…

Continue reading UPDATED: Cosmic Disclosure – Deeper Disclosures from William Tompkins | Gaia

Cosmic Disclosure: Law of One and SSPs: Negative Forces – Sphere-Being Alliance



David Wilcock: All right, welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I’m your host, David Wilcock, and I’m here with Corey Goode.And in this episode, we are continuing our stunning investigation, by popular demand, into the amazing correlations between what is in The Law of One material and Corey’s own direct experience with the Secret Space Program.There’s a lot of things in here that many people might not catch. I’ve been a Law of One scholar since 1996, and so I’ve ferreted out some very interesting stuff that, even if you’ve read The Law of One, you might have skipped.So, Corey, welcome back to the show.Corey Goode: Thank you.David: Okay, so Corey, when we last taped the show, you hadn’t seen The Law of One at all. Has that changed since then?Corey: Yes. Actually, I was able to read the first book of The Law of One. I only read it once.

Source: Cosmic Disclosure: Law of One and SSPs: Negative Forces – Sphere-Being Alliance

Continue reading Cosmic Disclosure: Law of One and SSPs: Negative Forces – Sphere-Being Alliance

William Tompkins Answers Some Viewer Questions — TRW Secret Lab, Nordics, Draco, Life Extension, Nazi UFO, Secret Space Program, Funding Programs | Stillness

The following is a Q and A between secret space program insider William Tompkins and Search4TruthReality. In late 2016, Dr. Bob Wood and Tompkins were interviewed. The following questions were received in relation to the testimony Tompkins provided during that series of talks.

Source: William Tompkins Answers Some Viewer Questions — TRW Secret Lab, Nordics, Draco, Life Extension, Nazi UFO, Secret Space Program, Funding Programs | Stillness in the Storm

The Haunebu III Was Used to Evacuate Thule and Vril in March 1945

The first version of the Haunebu I was test flown in 1939! The Germans were way ahead of their time. Below is rare actual video footage of a real Haunebu I test flight in 1939.In 1942, the enlarged Haunebu II antigravity craft of 26 meters diameter was ready for flight testing. This disc had a…

via The Haunebu III Was Used to Evacuate Thule and Vril in March 1945 — Humans Are Free

A bit more from (and about) Kent Dunn, 1-5-17… “GoldFish Report No. 66 Intel, Guest Kent Dunn Dishes Geopolitics and ExoPolitics- Southern Style” — Kauilapele’s Blog

[Kp update: I did learn while listening, that this was indeed recorded on 1-5-17.] The first time I ever posted a “Kent Dunn” was in this post from yesterday. As I said there, “I have listened to some of Kent Dunn’s intel from time to time, via Gary Larabee’s YouTube channel. I have found it […]

via A bit more from (and about) Kent Dunn, 1-5-17… “GoldFish Report No. 66 Intel, Guest Kent Dunn Dishes Geopolitics and ExoPolitics- Southern Style” — Kauilapele’s Blog

Kent Dunn Working With Clifford Stone & NESARA NEWS Exposes The “Real Alien Universe” — Stillness in the Storm

Monday, January 2, 2017

(Stillness in the Storm Editor) I cannot confirm if the reports offered below are accurate. Discernment is advisable. And if anyone does have any data to confirm or deny this information, please send it to me.

Be sure to review my commentary about Dunn’s updates after the videos below.

– Justin

Confirmation of Boom in Connecticut:

Related Clifford Stone Articles and Updates

Related An Example of Holistic Discernment and the Fruit of Critical Thought | Commentary on Kent Dunn Updates by David Nova

Below is the list discussed by Dunn. 


Continue reading Kent Dunn Working With Clifford Stone & NESARA NEWS Exposes The “Real Alien Universe” — Stillness in the Storm


MY INTERVIEW WITH WILLIAM TOMPKINS NAVY SANCTIONED DISCLOSURE WITNESS: UPLOADING TO YOUTUBE NOW! William Mills Tompkins is one of the most important witnesses to come forward revealing details about the Secret Space Program and human interactions with ETs. He details… MORE


20 Years a Slave in the Secret Space Programs — ExoNews TV Episodes 3 & 4 — The Event Chronicle

By Dr. Michal Salla Two new ExoNews TV episodes have been released of Tony Rodrigues who claims he was used as slave labor for several secret space programs, one of which was German-run program known as the Dark Fleet, which was originally built in Antarctica. In two earlier episodes (parts one & two) he discussed the first seven…

via 20 Years a Slave in the Secret Space Programs — ExoNews TV Episodes 3 & 4 — The Event Chronicle

Exopolitics » Moon Training & Suicide Missions on Mars – 20 Years a Slave in Secret Space Programs – Pt2


In this second episode of an interview with Tony Rodrigues conducted at Mt Shasta on August 29, we continue to learn critical information about how personnel are treated in secret space programs. Rodrigues says that he completed a 20 and back program from 1981 to 2001 in a number of covert programs including service with the least known of the programs, what has been called the “Dark Fleet”.

Unlike prior participants of secret space programs who have come forward, Michael Relfe, Randy Cramer and Corey Goode, Rodrigues did not undergo a formal military induction process where he signed recruitment papers outlining the terms of his service, and the process by which he would be returned to civilian life.

Instead, Rodrigues was forced into service as a slave where he had no rights, and had to do whatever his superiors desired, as exemplified in the first episode where he was used as a drug courier and then as a sex slave.

In this episode, Rodrigues resumes his story after a three year period in Seattle, where in 1988, at age 16, he was again taken to the Moon, and given rudimentary training as a slave soldier who would be expected to perform suicide missions against insectoid and other extraterrestrial species.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Moon Training & Suicide Missions on Mars – 20 Years a Slave in Secret Space Programs – Pt2

Exopolitics » 20 Years a Slave in Secret Space Programs – Abduction & Programming


A new witness to secret space programs has publicly come forward to give details about how these programs operate in recruiting and treating personnel who are considered to be ‘slaves’ with no rights.

Tony Rodriques claims that in 1981, when only nine years old and in 4th grade, he was involuntarily recruited into a “twenty and back” program as punishment for something he did to one of his class room peers.

He publicly embarrassed the son of a high level member of the Illuminati and Rodrigues says that he was soon after abducted by five aliens. He was then genetically tested to determine what skills he possessed, which could be used in covert ‘support’ programs and eventually for the secret space programs themselves when he got older.

Rodrigues says that he was first forced to work as a psychic for a drug running operation out of Peru for four years, before being recruited as a sex worker in the area of Seattle from age 13. When he turned 16 years old, in 1988, he was taken to the Moon to be tested for any skills he possessed that would be of most benefit for service in the secret space programs.

After briefly serving on Mars as a slave fighter for a mercenary military force protecting corporate bases from indigenous Martians, he says was taken to Ceres, a planetoid in the asteroid belt, where he worked for 13 years with a German led freighter crew that was part of the “Dark Fleet,” which was initially set up by Nazi Germany during World War II.

Continue reading Exopolitics » 20 Years a Slave in Secret Space Programs – Abduction & Programming

The Earth Alliance Strikes Back | Gaia – Seeking Truth


Cosmic Disclosure: The Earth Alliance Strikes Back Video

Cosmic Disclosure: The Earth Alliance Strikes Back (September 2016)

Season 6, Episode 1
Available worldwide
Runtime: 33:11

Corey Goode returns with an update of his adventures off-world amid reports of unknown ships with advanced technology, flying over Antarctica. They were attacking Dark Fleet ships in a bid to tip the balance of power between Alliance and Cabal forces. It seems that factions of the Earth Alliance are creating their own secret space program with assistance from an unknown source. In addition, a new ally has emerged from a nearby star cluster to provide assistance with our continuing covert conflict with reptilian invaders. This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast September 6, 2016.

Subtitles available in English, Deutsche, Português, 中文, Русский, and Español.


Video Language: English

– See more at:

Continue reading The Earth Alliance Strikes Back | Gaia – Seeking Truth

Exopolitics » Creating the Optimal Timeline for Full UFO Disclosure & Ascension


Whistleblower, Corey Goode, today released the second part of an extensive report about what he claims are a series of recent meetings he has had with representatives from different extraterrestrial groups, an “Inner Earth” civilization and a secret space program alliance. He provides additional information to what was presented in part one about the possibility of massive solar activity, which global elites (aka Syndicates/Cabal) are convinced will have devastating effects on the planet.

Goode’s claims, which are quite rich in detail and scope, can at times be very disturbing. Those new to his information may be tempted to dismiss it as sheer fantasy. However, after more than a year of closely investigating Goode’s claims, much of which was presented in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances, I have yet to find anything that makes me suspect that he is being untruthful in any way.

Goode’s revelations provide a framework for understanding what may well be the most important diplomatic meetings and negotiations currently underway that directly effect all of humanity.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Creating the Optimal Timeline for Full UFO Disclosure & Ascension

Exopolitics » Global Elite Prepare for Massive Solar Eruptions claims Secret Space Program Whistleblower


Corey Goode yesterday released the first of a two-part report discussing his latest alleged meetings with different extraterrestrial civilizations and representatives of secret space programs. In it, he discusses some disturbing information about elite preparations for upcoming solar events that they believe will have devastating planet-wide effects.

In his report, Goode begins by filling in the details of what has taken place since a resumption of meetings after a lengthy hiatus, which he briefly discussed on August 1. He also discussed some of the ramifications of his personal briefings and a Cosmic Disclosure interview concerning a covert aerial tour he was given of six hidden Antarctica facilities belonging to the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) – one of five space programs he has previously disclosed information about.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Global Elite Prepare for Massive Solar Eruptions claims Secret Space Program Whistleblower

Corey Goode Intel Update Part 1 – Sphere-Being Alliance

16 Aug 2016 : 16:00


Our planet and solar system is going through a change far more profound than most people could ever imagine. Not only are extraterrestrials very real, both the positive and negative groups are far more involved in our own lives than most of us could ever realize. Although many people now discount the classic spiritual teachings that we have received over the millennia, it turns out that nothing could be of greater significance for us to study and practice.

I performed 20 years of service in the “secret space program,” which is still unknown to most people. And yet, more and more insiders are now emerging, such as aerospace engineer William Tompkins, who can independently validate many aspects of my testimony. Tompkins can be seen on Cosmic Disclosure, a weekly show on Gaia that has helped me share this message with a large audience now exceeding the TV viewership numbers of CNN.

Continue reading Corey Goode Intel Update Part 1 – Sphere-Being Alliance

Anunnaki in the Antarctic via Secret Alien Base? (Video) | Paranormal

Sunday, August 7, 2016 13:26

Antarctic underground base, the Thule Society, the Ahnenerbe Society, and Hitler’s UFOs are not new to UFO enthusiasts and to some wide reader people.

A YouTube video, which lured thousands of viewers, discusses the mysterious organization of the Third Reich, the Ahnenerbe Society. It also features the involvement of the organization in developing UFOs and the obsession of Hitler to disclose the secret information on the Antarctic. Hitler’s obsession was triggered by the discovery of Piri Reis Map. The map shows the area 300 years before its discovery and before it was covered in ice. It was discovered on October 9, 1929 through the philological work of Gustav Adolf Deissmann, a theologian from Germany.

Continue reading Anunnaki in the Antarctic via Secret Alien Base? (Video) | Paranormal

Exopolitics » Tom DeLonge & UFO Disclosure: Rocking the Secret Space Programs Boat – Pt 2


[Click for Part 1]

In Sekret Machines, Tom DeLonge spends much time describing the corporate involvement in developing a secret U.S. space program. According to him, a global consortium of corporations secretly funded the development of flying triangles using antigravity and torsion field principles adopted from the Nazi Bell experiments.

These resulted in the development of a squadron of TR-3B’s based out of Area 51’s highly secretive S-4 facility at Papoose Lake. The U.S. Air Force Space Command and Defense Intelligence Agency is in charge of the TR-3B or ‘Locust’, operating out of S-4, according to Delonge, as relayed by his advisory team.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Tom DeLonge & UFO Disclosure: Rocking the Secret Space Programs Boat – Pt 2

Exopolitics » Tom DeLonge & UFO Disclosure: Rocking the Secret Space Programs Boat


Rock star Tom DeLonge co-authored the book, Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows, which is the first in a multimedia series of books and documentaries promising to blow the lid off a cover up of Secret Space Programs and the UFO phenomenon. A close reading of the “fiction based on fact” Sekret Machines, suggests that what it more accurately does is expose the reader to the first level of a multi-layered set of Secret Space Programs.

DeLonge, a former lead vocalist for Blink 182, is the creator of the Sekret Machines multimedia disclosure initiative, and has enlisted top writers such as A.J. Hartley and Peter Levenda to co-author up to six books. In the preface of Sekret Machines and interviews, Delonge describes how he is being helped by a team of ten advisors with direct links to corporations and Department of Defense entities involved with the U.S. development of a secret space program, and knowledge of a similar program simultaneously developed in Russia and the former Soviet Union.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Tom DeLonge & UFO Disclosure: Rocking the Secret Space Programs Boat

Cosmic Disclosure: Anniversary Special – Sphere-Being Alliance

Season 5, Episode 9

20 Jul 2016 : 21:20

Don’t forget to subscribe to Gaiam TV so you can watch Corey on this, and other episodes of “Cosmic Disclosure“.

David Wilcock: All right, it’s great to see you. I’m David Wilcock, as I’m sure you already know. And what you’re about to witness here is really cool. We have decided to give you a special treat, a life review, if you will, of the last year of “Cosmic Disclosure”, some of the highlights, some of the most impressive, most shocking, most amazing things that came out in the course of my discussions with Corey Goode over the last year.

Continue reading Cosmic Disclosure: Anniversary Special – Sphere-Being Alliance

Cosmic Disclosure: From Venus to Antarctica – Sphere-Being Alliance

Season 5, Episode 8

09 Jul 2016 : 22:54

Don’t forget to subscribe to Gaiam TV so you can watch Corey on this, and other episodes of “Cosmic Disclosure“.

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I’m your host, David Wilcock. And I’m here with Corey Goode.

I’m actually learning a lot myself by talking to him about this, because even though we discuss some of these things on the phone, I’ve never really gotten to see it all laid out like this. It is a tragic story.

In fact, I would say this is probably the greatest drama of any of Corey’s accounts that we’ve had since he was first taken to Mars and was captured and almost killed before he got portaled out.

Continue reading Cosmic Disclosure: From Venus to Antarctica – Sphere-Being Alliance

Exopolitics » Secret Australian Antigravity Program Linked to 1966 Flying Saucer Landing


This year marks the 50th anniversary of the most documented UFO case in Australian history – the April 6, 1966, sighting of a flying saucer by over 200 witnesses, who saw it fly overhead for several minutes before briefly landing and taking off again near two schools in the Melbourne suburb of Westall.

The Westall UFO case has been the subject of several Australian news reports and documentaries, which have tried to find answers to the mystery of what precisely had landed. Recent whistleblower testimonies provide a compelling answer – the flying saucer was part a secret Australian aerospace program involving the development of antigravity technology in cooperation with the U.S. and Great Britain.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Secret Australian Antigravity Program Linked to 1966 Flying Saucer Landing