Category Archives: William Tompkins

Dr. Bob Wood and William Tompkins – An Interview to Remember – Corroborating the Accounts of Two Seasoned Veterans – Video, Links, and Commentary — Discerning the Mystery

Many of us know of the intriguing and revealing stories of Dr. Robert Wood and retired Colonel William Tompkins. The accounts of these distinguished gentlemen are among the most telling stories of modern times on the subject of off-world operations and ET life.Read more »

via Dr. Bob Wood and William Tompkins – An Interview to Remember – Corroborating the Accounts of Two Seasoned Veterans – Video, Links, and Commentary — Discerning the Mystery


GO TO : TO DONATE to help make this interview happen! William Tompkins is a top whistleblower – aerospace engineer and designer — who was instrumental in building the Secret Space Program since the 1950s. He worked closely with… MORE The post WILLIAM TOMPKINS INTERVIEW – FUNDS NEEDED appeared first on PROJECT CAMELOT PORTAL.


Cosmic Disclosure: Founders of Solar Warden with William Tompkins – Sphere-Being Alliance



Season 6, Episode 8

admin    25 Oct 2016

David Wilcock: All right. Welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I’m your host, David Wilcock. We’re here with Corey Goode.

And in this episode, we have deeper insights into the Secret Space Program, with the astonishing disclosures of William Tompkins, our 94-year-old aerospace engineer who is clearly one of the founding fathers of the very Solar Warden program which he named – that same code name – that Corey later worked in.

In this first interview that we’re going to show you, Tompkins gets into detail about one of the craft designs that he was working on for the Navy. Let’s take a look.

* * * * * *


William Tompkins: So we talked before about the different types. And this is a two-kilometer long spacecraft carrier, and it’s streamlined to a degree.

1 Tompkins And Drawing Of Spacecraft

2 Two Km Spacecraft Carrier Drawing

And so in one of the big design review meetings, one of the managers said, “Wait a minute, Bill, it’s a vacuum out there. You don’t have to make it pointed. You don’t have to have atmosphere to go working through.”


Continue reading Cosmic Disclosure: Founders of Solar Warden with William Tompkins – Sphere-Being Alliance

William Tompkins: Secret Space Program First-hand Witness – One Man Disclosure Project | PROJECT CAMELOT PORTAL

08 OCT

MUST SEE!  I am in the process of trying to get an interview with this man.  His book is an excellent record of the Secret Space Program and tallies 100% with everything Project Camelot has been covering for the past over 10 years!  This includes the testimony of ARTHUR NEUMANN AND CAPTAIN MARK RICHARDS….

Source: William Tompkins: Secret Space Program First-hand Witness – One Man Disclosure Project | PROJECT CAMELOT PORTAL

Arrival of the Spheres with William Tompkins | Gaia

Cosmic Disclosure: Arrival of the Spheres with William Tompkins Video

Cosmic Disclosure: Arrival of the Spheres with William Tompkins (September 2016)

 Season 6, Episode 5
Available worldwide
Runtime: 33:28

According to William Tompkins, something is going on with the center of our galaxy and it is having a major effect upon our sun. To nullify these problems and reduce the danger to Earth, many planet-sized spheres came into our solar system and locked it down. This testimony matches what Corey Goode has told us of the solar system lock down which we are currently undergoing in a bid to protect humanity from predatory extraterrestrial beings. Plus, Tompkins gives us an insight to the initial development of unconventional propulsion systems which gave rise to the secret space programs of today. This discussion with David Wilcock and Corey Goode was originally webcast October 4, 2016.


Exopolitics » Aerospace Engineer Reveals Operational Details of Secret Space Programs


Retired aerospace engineer, William Tompkins, has just given his most detailed account yet about the operations of secret space programs on the September 27 episode of Cosmic Disclosure. Many of Tompkins’ revelations corroborate the earlier testimony of the show’s primary whistleblower, Corey Goode, who first publicly came forward in late 2014.

Previously, Tompkins has described in his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials, and in subsequent interviews, his involvement in two space programs. First came his assignment in intelligence operations on a German/Nazi led secret space program during the World War II, much of which was relocated to Antarctica. This space program evolved into what Goode later described as the “Dark Fleet.”

After the War, Tompkins became directly involved in the development of a U.S. Navy secret space program called “Solar Warden,” where he provided the early draft designs for kilometers long spacecraft and non-terrestrial bases, while working at the Douglas Aircraft Company from 1951 to 1963. Solar Warden, according to Tompkins, became operational in the early 1980s.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Aerospace Engineer Reveals Operational Details of Secret Space Programs

Exopolitics » 20 Years a Slave in Secret Space Programs – Abduction & Programming


A new witness to secret space programs has publicly come forward to give details about how these programs operate in recruiting and treating personnel who are considered to be ‘slaves’ with no rights.

Tony Rodriques claims that in 1981, when only nine years old and in 4th grade, he was involuntarily recruited into a “twenty and back” program as punishment for something he did to one of his class room peers.

He publicly embarrassed the son of a high level member of the Illuminati and Rodrigues says that he was soon after abducted by five aliens. He was then genetically tested to determine what skills he possessed, which could be used in covert ‘support’ programs and eventually for the secret space programs themselves when he got older.

Rodrigues says that he was first forced to work as a psychic for a drug running operation out of Peru for four years, before being recruited as a sex worker in the area of Seattle from age 13. When he turned 16 years old, in 1988, he was taken to the Moon to be tested for any skills he possessed that would be of most benefit for service in the secret space programs.

After briefly serving on Mars as a slave fighter for a mercenary military force protecting corporate bases from indigenous Martians, he says was taken to Ceres, a planetoid in the asteroid belt, where he worked for 13 years with a German led freighter crew that was part of the “Dark Fleet,” which was initially set up by Nazi Germany during World War II.

Continue reading Exopolitics » 20 Years a Slave in Secret Space Programs – Abduction & Programming

Exopolitics » Secret History of RAND Corporation in Reverse Engineering Antigravity UFOs


The RAND Corporation traces its origins to a research and development project created inside the Douglas Aircraft Company to study UFOs secretly retrieved by the U.S. military after the February 1942 Los Angeles Air Raid incident, according to former Douglas Aircraft employee, William Tompkins. Tompkins further reveals that in 1943 he began delivering briefing documents from a covert Navy espionage program, which had learned about antigravity craft created by Nazi Germany, to the Douglas research and development project that later evolved into the RAND Corporation.

The Nazi antigravity craft were similar in design to retrieved UFOs suggesting an alliance had been reached between the Nazis and one or more extraterrestrial civilizations. Further compounding the problem, according to Tompkins, was that the Navy spies had learned that the Nazis had relocated significant resources to remote locations in Antarctica during World War II, with the assistance of an extraterrestrial civilization called the Draconians.

douglas-memo-confirming-tompkins-on-loc-committee-72-pxThe secret history of RAND was first revealed by Tompkins in his book, Selected By Extraterrestrials and in subsequent interviews where he discussed his 12 years working at Douglas Aircraft from late 1950 to May 1963. In a September 19 telephone interview, Tompkins gave more details about RAND and its earlier involvement with Douglas Aircraft in studying UFO reports and the Nazis antigravity projects.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Secret History of RAND Corporation in Reverse Engineering Antigravity UFOs

Confirmation of Corey Goode’s Testimony about Antarctica & Underground E.T Bases? | Stillness in the Storm

Saturday, September 17, 2016

(Stillness in the Storm Editor)The following is testimony compiled by Linda Moulton Howe of regarding the existence of bases and facilities in Antarctica.

According to her source, Brian, there was a massive archeological dig that took place two miles beneath the ice, as reported in 2002. If true, this could be confirmation of what William Tompkins and Corey Goode have reported in their testimonies.

I cannot confirm if this account is accurate.

Thanks Enerchi for sharing this.

PS: I’ve included the full NavyUFO post below.

– Justin

SourceAscension With Earth

by Enerchi, September 16th 2016

I found this article from Linda Moulton Howe very interesting as it correlates some of the testimony presented by Corey Goode.  Whistle-blower Brian, a retired Navy Flight Engineer, has pinpointed locations on a map of Antarctica that show areas where underground E.T. bases are, including the inner earth entrance near the “no fly zone” next to the south pole.  Additional information about the suppression of an archaeological dig that found ancient civilization structures beneath the Antarctica ice. You can listen to Linda’s interview with Brian at the following link and continue reading the full article.

Read and listen to full article at ….

Read more here …… 



“The U. S. government said it will seek to block the airing of a video
found by Navy rescuers in Antarctica that purportedly reveals that a massive
archaeological dig is underway two miles beneath the ice.”
– Monday, March 18, 2002, web news release at 5:25 AM EDT
from AMP, Atlantis Mapping Project, Washington, D. C.
“We were told not to talk among ourselves officially. But the guys after
a flight, you have a few beers and it’s like, ‘I heard these scientists talking about
that there’s some guys there at Pole that were working with these strange-looking
‘men.’ They weren’t saying, you know, ‘alien’ or ‘extraterrestrial,’ or whatever.
And that the air sampling station (big hole in the ice) was actually a
joint base with the scientists and the E.T.s.”
– Brian, retired Navy Flight Engineer, Antarctic Development Squadron Six

On January 2nd, 2015 the editor of website reportedly received an unexpected letter from an alleged retired U.S.  Navy Petty Officer First Class Flight Engineer.

The letter received recounts experiences where the anonymous Navy officer (refers to himself as “Brian”) recounts his bizarre and extraordinary experiences flying cargo and rescue in Antarctica between the years 1983 to 1997. He claims that a collaboration between humans and aliens exist, and that the Antarctica is a major research ground for these incredible collaborations.

Continue reading Confirmation of Corey Goode’s Testimony about Antarctica & Underground E.T Bases? | Stillness in the Storm

Notes and Commentary from Mount Shasta SSP 2016 | Rob Potter, Dr. Michael Salla, Corey Goode and Laura Eisenhower | Stillness in the Storm

Monday, September 5, 2016 by Justin Deschamps

The following is my brief recap and notes from the Mount Shasta SSP Conference that took place this past weekend from the 26th to the 29th. Corey Goode was present, along with Dr. Michael Salla, Laura Eisenhower, and Rob Potter. There will be recordings of the presentations made available by the video production team in time. Once those are ready, I will place a referring link on this site for purchase.

Pre-Conference Roundtable and Events

The conference was a fun-filled event with lots of energy and excitement. The venue of scenic Mount Shasta was spectacular with beautiful vistas and starry filled night skies.

Driving to SSP Shasta Conference. Mountain in the distance is Mount Shasta.

I flew into Portland Oregon and drove down on the 25th to hold our Life From Shastapanel discussion and conference kick-off that night with all the speakers. You can listen to an enhanced audio version of that show using the link below.

Continue reading Notes and Commentary from Mount Shasta SSP 2016 | Rob Potter, Dr. Michael Salla, Corey Goode and Laura Eisenhower | Stillness in the Storm

Exopolitics » Gene Roddenberry Based Star Trek on Secret US Navy Space Fleet


September 8 marks the 50th anniversary of the creation of the Star Trek science fiction series that began in 1966. There is significant evidence that its creator, Gene Roddenberry, did not simply come up with the idea of Star Trek on his own. Instead he was encouraged to create the series based on classified information surrounding the development of a secret U.S. Navy space fleet that would build a broad extraterrestrial alliance. This led Roddenberry to come up with the idea of a United Federation of Planets, with its military headquarters in San Francisco.

Roddenberry began developing ideas for a science fiction show after one of his series had bombed in 1964:

The only reason Roddenberry created Star Trek, at least initially, was to sell another series to a network.  He was, if not desperate, anxious… He had just failed with The Lieutenant, for Norman Felton’s Arena Productions … No one was clamoring for another series from Roddenberry, or even his scripts. His agent suggested he come up with a space series… This may have led to what The Outer Limits historians insist are the accurate — if generally unknown — accounts of Roddenberry hanging out at times on the set of The Outer Limits. When I learned this, it wasn’t hard to imagine that series creator, and executive producer, Leslie Stevens … was someone that Roddenberry may have sought to emulate.

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On the Other Side of the Veil of Secrecy | Gaia – Seeking Truth

Cosmic Disclosure: On the Other Side of the Veil of Secrecy Video

Cosmic Disclosure: On the Other Side of the Veil of Secrecy (August 2016)

Season 5, Episode 16
Available worldwide
Runtime: 35:17

Many years before helping William Tompkins pen his autobiography, Bob Wood also worked at the same Douglas Aircraft facility. Instead of building out the Secret Space Program, his career placed him deep within the technical aspects of designing conventional aircraft and space-bound technology. But it was his deep interest in UFOs and technical prowess which gave him the opportunity to investigate how UFOs might work, despite not being given direct access to exotic materials. Eventually, the wall of secrecy crumbled and he now comes forward to share many of the secrets he has been able to uncover and authenticate.

Continue reading On the Other Side of the Veil of Secrecy | Gaia – Seeking Truth

Exopolitics » Global Elite Prepare for Massive Solar Eruptions claims Secret Space Program Whistleblower


Corey Goode yesterday released the first of a two-part report discussing his latest alleged meetings with different extraterrestrial civilizations and representatives of secret space programs. In it, he discusses some disturbing information about elite preparations for upcoming solar events that they believe will have devastating planet-wide effects.

In his report, Goode begins by filling in the details of what has taken place since a resumption of meetings after a lengthy hiatus, which he briefly discussed on August 1. He also discussed some of the ramifications of his personal briefings and a Cosmic Disclosure interview concerning a covert aerial tour he was given of six hidden Antarctica facilities belonging to the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) – one of five space programs he has previously disclosed information about.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Global Elite Prepare for Massive Solar Eruptions claims Secret Space Program Whistleblower

Corey Goode Intel Update Part 1 – Sphere-Being Alliance

16 Aug 2016 : 16:00


Our planet and solar system is going through a change far more profound than most people could ever imagine. Not only are extraterrestrials very real, both the positive and negative groups are far more involved in our own lives than most of us could ever realize. Although many people now discount the classic spiritual teachings that we have received over the millennia, it turns out that nothing could be of greater significance for us to study and practice.

I performed 20 years of service in the “secret space program,” which is still unknown to most people. And yet, more and more insiders are now emerging, such as aerospace engineer William Tompkins, who can independently validate many aspects of my testimony. Tompkins can be seen on Cosmic Disclosure, a weekly show on Gaia that has helped me share this message with a large audience now exceeding the TV viewership numbers of CNN.

Continue reading Corey Goode Intel Update Part 1 – Sphere-Being Alliance

William Tompkins Bio — Cosmic Disclosure Summary » The Event Chronicle

William Tompkins is a former secret space program insider and whistleblower who began revealing his experiences to the public in 2015 with his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials.

Tompkins is one of several such individuals who have come forward of late acknowledging the existence of highly classified secret technology projects that have quietly shaped human history for decades.

A gifted visual artist and draftsman, he was noticed by the Navy as a young man for his adept skills of model making. He was able to reproduce classified components that were being installed on naval vessels in preparation for combat during the second world war. He was displaying these at a department store in Hollywood when several officers of the Navy went to see the impressive young modelers work. They discovered that not only was he a gifted craftsman and that he also seemed to have access to classified information, as he was able to reproduce top secret radar devices with ease.

Continue reading William Tompkins Bio — Cosmic Disclosure Summary » The Event Chronicle

SSP Think Tank with William Tompkins | Gaia

Cosmic Disclosure: SSP Think Tank with William Tompkins Video

Cosmic Disclosure: SSP Think Tank with William Tompkins (August 2016)

Season 5, Episode 11
Available worldwide
Runtime: 43:34
During his tenure with the Navy, William Tompkins worked with a secret think tank which designed spacecraft carriers and other military capabilities in space. All of their work was mired in cover-ups of cover-ups so deep that no one really knew who they were working for or what they were really trying to accomplish. Anyone who tried to push the limits of this secrecy seemed to have met an untimely end. What Tompkins and his associates worked so diligently to design, became the technological reality Corey Goode experienced while in service with the secret space programs. This discussion with David Wilcock was originally webcast August 2, 2016.

Continue reading SSP Think Tank with William Tompkins | Gaia

Cosmic Disclosure: William Tompkins Bio – Sphere-Being Alliance

Cosmic Disclosure: William Tompkins Bio

Season 5, Episode 11

admin    01 Aug 2016 : 00:00

Don’t forget to subscribe to Gaiam TV so you can watch Corey on this, and other episodes of “Cosmic Disclosure“.

David Wilcock: I’m glad you’re here for this one, because this is going to blow your mind. You’re about to see a biographical sketch of William Tompkins, an aerospace engineer, who has come forward as an insider with exclusive knowledge in a wide variety of aspects, specific data points related to the Secret Space Program that we have been disclosing in the show that I have here with Corey Goode.

I want you to see this now and get into the details of all the amazing intricacies of William Tompkins’ illustrious career. Check it out.

Narrated by William Tompkins:

I had, for whatever reason, been interested when I was a kid, nine years old, in building Navy ship models.

Continue reading Cosmic Disclosure: William Tompkins Bio – Sphere-Being Alliance

Cosmic Disclosure: SSP Testimonials with William Tompkins – Sphere-Being Alliance

Cosmic Disclosure: SSP Testimonials with William Tompkins

Season 5, Episode 10

admin    30 Jul 2016 : 13:50
 tompkins, solarwarden, highjump    6,525

Don’t forget to subscribe to Gaiam TV so you can watch Corey on this, and other episodes of “Cosmic Disclosure“.

William Tompkins: So I went to work, then, at Douglas, and I’m a draftsman for two weeks, and my Section Chief started through my background.

And, of course, it says all of this stuff that I had done in the Navy. So he puts me in this think tank, and there is where we get to the first think tank, okay, – was inside of Douglas in a walled-off area.

And there’s 200 guys in it.

Continue reading Cosmic Disclosure: SSP Testimonials with William Tompkins – Sphere-Being Alliance

David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries | Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil — 2 Billion Year History (2HR Video) | Stillness in the Storm

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Stillness in the Storm Editor)The following is a 2-hour video presentation from February of 2015 by David Wilcock covering the two-billion-year-old history of the solar system and beyond.

I believe this is the same presentation that caused such an uproar within the Cabal groups at the time, who believed that Wilcock was receiving his information from Corey Goode, a secret space program insider, and whistleblower.

Wilcock later revealed during a joint talk with Goode at the Consciousness Life Expo conference from 2016, that Goode was blamed for the release of this information. According to Wilcock, the data presented in this talk was never intended to be released to the public, and as a result, it has severely compromised the powers that be in their plans for a limited or partial disclosure timeline.

Continue reading David Wilcock: The Ascension Mysteries | Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil — 2 Billion Year History (2HR Video) | Stillness in the Storm

William Tompkins Bio | Gaia

Cosmic Disclosure: William Tompkins Bio Video

Cosmic Disclosure: William Tompkins Bio (July 2016)

Season 5, Episode 11
Available worldwide
Runtime: 14:55

As a teenager, William Tompkins’s keen eye for detail nearly landed him in hot water with the Navy as his models of Navy ships included specifications which were classified. However, the Navy took interest in his capabilities and recruited him into their Intelligence programs to work on advanced technology projects. After the Navy, Tompkins worked within highly classified think tanks designing advanced weapons for aerospace companies, including North American Aviation, Northrop and Douglas Aircraft Company. He even assisted with the Saturn and Apollo Space Programs for NASA.

Continue reading William Tompkins Bio | Gaia

Exopolitics » Tom DeLonge & UFO Disclosure: Rocking the Secret Space Programs Boat – Pt 2


[Click for Part 1]

In Sekret Machines, Tom DeLonge spends much time describing the corporate involvement in developing a secret U.S. space program. According to him, a global consortium of corporations secretly funded the development of flying triangles using antigravity and torsion field principles adopted from the Nazi Bell experiments.

These resulted in the development of a squadron of TR-3B’s based out of Area 51’s highly secretive S-4 facility at Papoose Lake. The U.S. Air Force Space Command and Defense Intelligence Agency is in charge of the TR-3B or ‘Locust’, operating out of S-4, according to Delonge, as relayed by his advisory team.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Tom DeLonge & UFO Disclosure: Rocking the Secret Space Programs Boat – Pt 2

Exopolitics » Tom DeLonge & UFO Disclosure: Rocking the Secret Space Programs Boat


Rock star Tom DeLonge co-authored the book, Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows, which is the first in a multimedia series of books and documentaries promising to blow the lid off a cover up of Secret Space Programs and the UFO phenomenon. A close reading of the “fiction based on fact” Sekret Machines, suggests that what it more accurately does is expose the reader to the first level of a multi-layered set of Secret Space Programs.

DeLonge, a former lead vocalist for Blink 182, is the creator of the Sekret Machines multimedia disclosure initiative, and has enlisted top writers such as A.J. Hartley and Peter Levenda to co-author up to six books. In the preface of Sekret Machines and interviews, Delonge describes how he is being helped by a team of ten advisors with direct links to corporations and Department of Defense entities involved with the U.S. development of a secret space program, and knowledge of a similar program simultaneously developed in Russia and the former Soviet Union.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Tom DeLonge & UFO Disclosure: Rocking the Secret Space Programs Boat

Exopolitics » Secret Australian Antigravity Program Linked to 1966 Flying Saucer Landing


This year marks the 50th anniversary of the most documented UFO case in Australian history – the April 6, 1966, sighting of a flying saucer by over 200 witnesses, who saw it fly overhead for several minutes before briefly landing and taking off again near two schools in the Melbourne suburb of Westall.

The Westall UFO case has been the subject of several Australian news reports and documentaries, which have tried to find answers to the mystery of what precisely had landed. Recent whistleblower testimonies provide a compelling answer – the flying saucer was part a secret Australian aerospace program involving the development of antigravity technology in cooperation with the U.S. and Great Britain.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Secret Australian Antigravity Program Linked to 1966 Flying Saucer Landing

Exopolitics » Navy Admiral oversaw 29 Spies in Nazi Germany & started US Secret Space Program


Rear Admiral Rico Botta was an extremely busy man during World War II. In addition to his official daytime naval duty as “Assembly and Repair Officer” at Naval Air Station, San Diego, in the evenings he led a covert Navy program operating with 29 spies embedded in Nazi Germany’s most advanced aerospace programs which were developing antigravity flying saucers.

Continue reading Exopolitics » Navy Admiral oversaw 29 Spies in Nazi Germany & started US Secret Space Program

Exopolitics » European Commission President Says he Spoke to Leaders of Other Planets about Brexit


In a speech before the European Parliament discussing the consequences of the Brexit vote, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, made the stunning comment that he had spoken about it to “leaders of other planets.” Juncker’s comment suggests that world leaders are in communication with extraterrestrials, which closely monitor global events and assess their geopolitical and ‘exopolitical’ impact.

Continue reading Exopolitics » European Commission President Says he Spoke to Leaders of Other Planets about Brexit

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