Category Archives: BIS

– #CABAL Bank of International Settlements. Laundered NAZI Gold

FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-15-19… “Washington, D.C. suffers from political insanity as bankruptcy approaches”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Very much “down on Trump”, but remember these are from his sources. I can’t say I align with the “Trump is in a blind panic” (and similar) lines. Not at all. “The U.S…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-15-19… “Washington, D.C. suffers from political insanity as bankruptcy approaches”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Very much “down on Trump”, but remember these are from his sources. I can’t say I align with the “Trump is in a blind panic” (and similar) lines. Not at all. “The U.S…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-15-19… “Washington, D.C. suffers from political insanity as bankruptcy approaches”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Very much “down on Trump”, but remember these are from his sources. I can’t say I align with the “Trump is in a blind panic” (and similar) lines. Not at all. “The U.S…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-15-19… “Washington, D.C. suffers from political insanity as bankruptcy approaches”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Very much “down on Trump”, but remember these are from his sources. I can’t say I align with the “Trump is in a blind panic” (and similar) lines. Not at all. “The U.S…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 4-15-19… “Washington, D.C. suffers from political insanity as bankruptcy approaches”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. Very much “down on Trump”, but remember these are from his sources. I can’t say I align with the “Trump is in a blind panic” (and similar) lines. Not at all. “The U.S…


As US Pushes China To Brink Of War, American People Fail To Notice That “Winter Is Coming” For Them

              World’s Largest English Language News Service with Over 500 Articles Updated Daily “The News You Need Today…For The World You’ll Live In Tomorrow…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 11-5-18… “Saudi Arabia to be broken up; Israel must choose between Netanyahu and Tel Aviv”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. I’ve added a couple more highlights, one related to the upcoming meeting between Trump and Putin…


The revolution continues as old regimes collapse in Mexico and the EU, plus secret space program disclosure

The criminal cabal that has been ruling the planet earth is being systematically removed from power, with the latest being regime change in Mexico and soon the EU.  Furthermore, the power struggle in Washington D.C. is definitely being won by the good guys…


Report: Low Inflation, High Indebtedness Plague the Global Economy

The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) says higher interest rates and measures aimed at driving inflation are crucial in the modern-day ‘zombie’ economies, mortified by the ultra-low interest rates and excessive borrowing characteristic of the past decade…



The year: 1921. The location: London, England…


Immortality and exponential expansion into the universe will come after final cabal defeat

Last week somebody hacked into my computer so that the video at the link below started playing as soon as I turned it on. It purports to show the destruction of the Black Night Satellite that many people in US intelligence agencies like the NSA insist has been stopping humans from leaving the planet earth.

This news coincides with announcements by NASA of age reversing pills and faster than light travel technology that will allow us to go to visit newly discovered earth like planets.

Scientists have made a discovery that could lead to a revolutionary drug that actually reverses ageing. A team of researchers developed the drug after discovering a key signalling process in DNA repair and cell ageing

NASA digital illustration handout released on February 22, 2017, all seven planets discovered in orbit around the red dwarf star TRAPPIST-1

CIA sources are also saying a secret presidential order was given to release free energy technology as well as existing anti-aging technology.

The only thing that is blocking humanity from this future of immortality and exponential expansion into the universe is now a small group of people clinging to control of financial computers at the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank and the BIS. These computers need to be physically seized in order to allow the issuance of unlimited funds to let humanity spread its wings and fly.

The individuals who have been forensically identified as blocking the funding for a new age are Janet Yellen at the Fed, Mario Draghi at the ECB, Haruhiko Kuroda at the BOJ and Agustin Carstins at the BIS. Special Forces need to go and seize these individuals and occupy the computer centers at the central banks ASAP in order to ensure the liberation of funds for the planet earth.

If these computers and the parasites who control them are removed, multiple sources in various charitable foundations are saying that not just trillions but actual quadrillions of dollars could be released to finance an end to poverty and environmental destruction as well as research into immortality and unlimited expansion into the universe.

The battle against the controllers of the Babylonian debt slavery system these central banks oversee is continuing towards final victory. Former US President Barack Obama has vanished from public view and is probably undergoing interrogation. Also last week the body of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s long term associate Vincent Foster was exhumed and was found to have two bullet holes to the back of his head meaning the cause of his death was changed from suicide to murder. Pentagon and CIA sources say this finding will lead to the Clintons being prosecuted for murder.

The death of the big Kahuna, David Rockefeller, was also formally announced last week by his family. CIA sources say Rockefeller was kept in stasis in a vegetative state for months at an Antarctic base before the family finally gave up and announced he was no longer with us.

When this writer was first informed by the Japanese authorities of a plot by the Western elite to kill 90% of humanity through disease, starvation and nuclear war, they handed me material showing that Rockefeller sat at the head of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission and other top groups of Western power brokers. Thus he was a prime suspect as the originator of this fiendish plan.

However, when I actually met Mr. Rockefeller I had the impression that, deep inside, this man thought he was doing good for the planet. The question that upcoming truth and reconciliation investigators need to answer now is how was how his vision for a united planet earth in harmony with nature got distorted into a nightmarish genocidal plan.
The forensic trail that started with Rockefeller led to…

The full report will be posted in 3 days

Source: Immortality and exponential expansion into the universe will come after final cabal defeat

Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Exposes Secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty and Funding of Extraterrestrial Projects

A mysterious trillion dollar lawsuit filed on November 23, 2011 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, claims that 134.5 billion dollars worth of gold was secretly given to the U.S. government in the mid-1930s by the then Nationalist government of China for safekeeping. [1]The lawsuit claims that 1934 U.S.…

via Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Exposes Secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty and Funding of Extraterrestrial Projects — Humans Are Free

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | The Final Battle Lines Are Being Drawn — Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.


For as long as I remember elections were [real] elections (up until a few years ago when I had my eyes opened to reality). One side won and one side lost. Previously, it had never dawned on me that someone actually owned both parties, and no matter who won, that control group would be the actual winner.

This happened despite the US Democratic and Republican parties going through the motions in a continual effort to con us into believing the parties were fighting, when in fact (at the upper levels) they worked together, made money together and worked the con together; to bring us to our knees.

In other words, take one good look at who’s “who” in Congress and in the Senate. Then you will see who is who and who should not be there any longer.

Yes, we’ve been had for a long time – but not any longer, as we have awakened. We are tired of being had by a bunch of phony so-called politicians who pull the wool over our eyes again and again.

Continue reading NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | The Final Battle Lines Are Being Drawn — Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

Russia Issues Full-Scale War Alert As West Faces Financial Armageddon

what does it mean

October 2, 2016 By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the first squadrons of Sukhoi Su-24, Sukhoi Su-34 and Sukhoi Su-25 ground support fighter aircraft ordered to Syria by President Putin to take part in the freeing of Aleppo from Obama regime backed Islamic terrorists have begun to arrive in the Levant War Zone at the same time that the Ministery of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) is warning that “full-scale war may be imminent” and as the West “is nearing financial Armageddon”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


According to this report, President Putin’s ordering these fighter aircraft to support the freeing of Aleppo from the grip of “Obama’s terrorists” is in “direct retaliation” to these “modern day barbarians” ceaseless attacks upon the innocent civilians of this city—and that the US shockingly this week stated they were preparing for nuclear war with Russia in order to let this “senseless slaughter of innocents” continue.

To how grave the situation in Aleppo has become, this report continues, Syrian supreme commander Major-General Zaid Saleh outlined this week by stating: “The terrorist groups are using civilians as human shields to prevent the Army from targeting them. They heavily depend on US and Turkey to supply them with weapons. But we won’t allow this to happen”.

Continue reading Russia Issues Full-Scale War Alert As West Faces Financial Armageddon

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Stupid Is As Stupid Does – Forrest Gump – Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

Karen Hades is at it again with gross stupidity and disinformation.

In her latest interview she is telling everyone that the original Bretton Woods Agreement has now expired and that all the gold that was put on deposit in the Global Collateral Accounts is now the property of the People of the World – due to the Statute of Limitations being 50 years with no claims against these deposits.

Hades claimed that Marcos, being a lawyer, arranged the agreement as such and that the gold came from Jose Rizal, a Philippine Ambassador to the Vatican; who is supposedly related to the old Queen of England.

Let’s get a bit of history correct to begin with.

Marcos was never M1 but he did negotiate with the Asian Elders to finance the reconstruction and world development after WW2 as detailed in the Bretton Woods Agreement.

Continue reading NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Stupid Is As Stupid Does – Forrest Gump – Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

Catholic Battle for the White House | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

Will Kaine Slay Abel Again?

The Jesuits have put their man in place, and he stands only one heartbeat or resignation away from the White House should Hillary Clinton win. Once he is in place, the Jesuits will control the World Triumvirate—the City of London, the Vatican, and Washington, D.C.  Patriots, this is the ultimate fight we must face because once the Jesuits are in control, they will have won their age-old battle—WORLD DOMINATION—with us as its financial, political, and religious slaves.

In this article you will learn:

  • How Patriots made the White and Black Popes re-strategize their world domination plans
  • The unique position Tim Kaine has with the Jesuits
  • The Clinton connection to the Knights of Malta
  • Pope Francis moves from Rome to Astana, Kazakhstan
  • Two globalist groups vying for the Vatican and the White House

As always, we offer this insight from our Anonymous Patriots Think Tank so that you can disseminate this important information to your constituency in a manner that resonates with them. We firmly believe that the New Fourth Estate—which is independent news and investigative journalism from folks like you and us—continue to give the Cabal upsets as we become aware of their hidden agendas. They had no idea Patriots are so “awake” in our critical thinking and have such a prolific underground network activated.

Continue reading Catholic Battle for the White House | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

Elites In Fear Of White Dragon Society & Gold Standard, Jim Willie – YouTube

Published on 8 Jul 2016

New World Order Elites In Fear Of Gold Standard & White Hat Society, Jim Willie…

Continue reading Elites In Fear Of White Dragon Society & Gold Standard, Jim Willie – YouTube

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