Category Archives: #MichelleObamaIsAMan

– Mike Robinson. Not that there is anything wrong with that! #OBAMASFAKEFAMILY

Joan Rivers Reemerging After faking Death, PROVES Michelle Obama is a Man

If you’ve been researching into the conspiracy theory about Michelle Obama being a man, then last week was your dream come true.

Joan Rivers reemerges with good friend Clive Davis, which should suggest. Another good friend of his, Whitney Houston also faked her death.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see, the similarities between The Woman with Clive Davis and Joan Rivers are the same.


Joan Rivers decided to open her mouth. So you’re going to tell me, this Woman who looks like Joan Rivers, also sounds like Joan Rivers? Wow what are the odds of that?

This only solidifies the fact that Joan Rivers was put on FBI Witness protection, after her Michelle Obama is a man rant. I wrote about this in detail back in September 5, 2014

Why would Joan Rivers go to such drastic measures of faking her Death and being put into The FBI Witness Protection Program? Because what she was saying was indeed True, Michelle Obama is a man.

The face on Clive Davis and others is telling

Joan Rivers had a nose job, ear job and let’s her natural grey hair grow in. Look at Clives face, looks like a face of a man who’s just been caught…

Source: Joan Rivers Reemerging After faking Death, PROVES Michelle Obama is a Man | Conspiracy Theories

4x Kent Dunns w/Gary Larrabee – Duke of Luxemburg, Dracos, Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Bouvet Island

Shocking News From The Pentagon! Obama’s Chief Advisor Valerie Jarrett’s Real Identity Revealed

Published on 17 Jan 2017……

Confirmation of Kent Dunn’s intel on Valerie Jarrett

Continue reading 4x Kent Dunns w/Gary Larrabee – Duke of Luxemburg, Dracos, Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Bouvet Island

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump Brings Ford Back To America

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


VIDEO:  Trump Brings Ford Back To America – YouTube

That is correct.

He is not even President and look at what he is doing.

Maybe he hired a great PR Firm in New York City like Vladimir Putin did to boost his ratings in America???

Hint, Hint President elect Trump???

We can also take off 100 pounds if you start eating Sea Weed we eat and I can provide it for you – this will be a great PR gig.

In a Major move Ford Motor Company is cancelling the construction of a $1.6 Billion Dollar Plant in Mexico and moving instead to Flint Michigan.

The plant was being built in San Luis Potosi, Mexico but the construction was cancelled a few days ago and the they plan to build a Brand New Manufacturing Facility in Flint, Michigan to build High Tech Autonomous Vehicles and add 700 Jobs to the Michigan Economy.

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trump Brings Ford Back To America

Obama Admits To Trump That US Helped Create ISIS — Your News Wire

In the final weeks of his Presidency, Barack Obama has finally admitted to Donald Trump that the U.S. helped to create ISIS. The outgoing President told stunned military personnel on Tuesday that U.S. foreign policy helped to give rise to ISIS/Daesh and that Trump will have a tough job ahead of him of washing the blood from America’s…

via Obama Admits To Trump That US Helped Create ISIS — Your News Wire

Presidential War Is Unconstitutional — Original

The Obama administration has decided to stretch the 15-year-old congressional authorization for war against the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks, or those harboring them, to include an illegal war against a group in Somalia – al-Shabab – that wasn’t even in existence at the time of the attacks in 2001. In fact, as with many…

via Presidential War Is Unconstitutional — Original

Michelle Obama Deletes Hillary Clinton From Twitter — Your News Wire

Michelle Obama has scrubbed all references to Hillary Clinton from both of her Twitter accounts as news breaks that Clinton is under two different FBI investigations involving four FBI offices. The @FLOTUS account has been wiped clean of all traces of Hillary, and @MichelleObama, a verified page with almost six million followers, has been scrubbed…

via Michelle Obama Deletes Hillary Clinton From Twitter — Your News Wire

Michelle Obama: Hillary Is Sick On Amphetamines — Your News Wire

Michelle Obama has expressed concern at the Democratic nominee’s health, claiming that Hillary Clinton is heavily dependant on amphetamines to function. According to a White House insider, Michelle revealed that Hillary’s health is in such a poor state that she has to take stimulant drugs in order to survive the exhausting race to become President. reports: The…

via Michelle Obama: Hillary Is Sick On Amphetamines — Your News Wire

Benjamin Fulford 9-26-16… “Major world power struggles and changes due in October”


Multiple, reliable sources inside the world’s intelligence agencies and secret societies are predicting major changes in the world’s power structure in October. The struggle is centering on who will control the United States and its military industrial complex, the sources agree.

CIA and Pentagon sources are now both saying neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump will become the next president of the United States. However, they disagree on who will become president, showing that the issue is still up for grabs.

US based CIA sources are still insisting Vice President Joe Biden will become President only to be quickly replaced by VP candidate Tim Kaine. These sources are also saying there is a faction pushing to have Michelle Obama become President thus de-facto prolonging the Obama Presidency.

However, Pentagon sources say a Biden Presidency “would be a disaster.” They are saying that instead “The October surprise may have the Republic restored and new candidates for President like speaker Paul Ryan (R) and Senator Elizabeth Warren (Dem), who gained national profile for publically flogging Wells Fargo CEO.”

The White Dragon Society, for its part, is recommending that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau head a North American Union. When the US and Canada parted ways in 1776, the Americans opted for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” while the Canadians promoted the more prosaic “good government.”

Continue reading Benjamin Fulford 9-26-16… “Major world power struggles and changes due in October”

Hillary Clinton Makes Millions To Destroy Samsung So Apple Can Sell More iPhones

September 16, 2016 By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An interesting report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being (ROSPOTREBNADZOR) says that US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was paid millions-of-dollars by American based multinational technology company Apple Inc. CEO Tim Cook for the “express purpose” of destroying the South Korean multinational conglomerate company Samsung in order to promote the sale of the iPhone 7 that is being released in the United States today. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


According to this report, ROSPOTREBNADZOR investigators became concerned about this matter this past week after the Obama-Clinton regime, through their propaganda media outlets, began an all out assault on Samsung claiming that this companies Galaxy Note 7 phone was a danger because of battery “fires/explosion events” and that they all needed to be recalled—and with a recall, versus Samsung replacing any defective phone returned to them, meant the purchasers of them would be given a refund so they could buy the iPhone 7.

Continue reading Hillary Clinton Makes Millions To Destroy Samsung So Apple Can Sell More iPhones

It is not over until we see the 911/311 perpetrators perp walked in front of the world’s TV cameras – Weekly geo-political news and analysis – Message from Benjamin Fulford


September 12, 2016 by benjamin

Take a look (starting at the 11 minutes and 30 second mark), at this G20 video and you can see German Chancellor Angela Merkel making her freemasonic eye sign.–s10

She, the only member of the ruling Saxe-Gotha Rothschild family present, is once again telling those who have eyes to see that the G20, self-described as the world’s highest level economic forum, is just a gathering of Rothschild servants. Look at their garbled communique for yourself to see what a useless joke this group is.

Continue reading It is not over until we see the 911/311 perpetrators perp walked in front of the world’s TV cameras – Weekly geo-political news and analysis – Message from Benjamin Fulford

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: March Towards War As DNC Provides Comedy Releif

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Video: March Towards War As DNC Provides Comedy Relief – YouTube

…..A) The World is marching towards war, led by the US Military

The war must begin by 1 October 2016 or all is lost – this the  last day of the Year of Jubilee and there is no sign in sight that the Bankers that run the world will cancel anyone’s debts.

Their solution is to start a full scale Nuclear War, kill off 7 Billion People, and start all over again.

The rest of the world is Furious, but not furious enough to do as GOD has directed so they get what they deserve.

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: March Towards War As DNC Provides Comedy Releif

More Irrefutable Proof that Michelle Obama Is a Man! (7 Videos) | New World Order

Saturday, June 18, 2016 17:25

 (Before It’s News)

Michelle Obama does “the sausage flop-n-bop”!  When the cup gets loose, the true gender is revealed.  Well, at least that was the case when an EPIC WARDROBE MALFUNCTION exposed HIS genitals on Ellen.  Don’t believe it?  Just watch!

Continue reading More Irrefutable Proof that Michelle Obama Is a Man! (7 Videos) | New World Order