Category Archives: Africa

Democrat Party Master Plan To Throw Christians In Concentration Camps Gets Communist Chinese Boost

A fearfully portending (sign or warning) new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today detailing the events surrounding the beheading of 11 Christian hostages by Islamic State terrorists this week in the African nation of Nigeria, stunningly states that this atrocity was an operation carried out by the Ministry of State Security (MSS) [English] intelligence arm of the Communist Chinese government using operatives they had secreted into the ranks of the up to 5,000 Chinese Uighur terrorists fighting for the Islamic State chased out of Syria into Africa—who are presently operating from their MSS base located in the massive walled-off city China built next to Lagos-Nigeria—where also is located the headquarters of The Bloomberg Media Initiative Africa organization headed by socialist Democrat Party multi-billionaire presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg—whose vast African media organization has blacklisted the news of the beheadings of these Christians—an act made understandable when one notes that Bloomberg praises Chinese communism—a communist regime whom yesterday jailed for 9-years yet another Christian pastor for “subversion”—who is now being placed in the vast communist Chinese concentration camp gulag where hundreds-of-thousands of his fellow Christians and other Chinese “subversives” languish without any hope of freedom—and because of these Christians’ clean lifestyle way of life free of drugs and alcohol, will see communist China forcefully harvesting their organs as they’ve already done with hundreds of thousands of their other gulag victims—an horrific fate soon to befall the unaware Christian peoples of America, best exampled by the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) refusing a US federal government demand to close their communist China funded Confucius Institute—and because of this refusal, now sees vast numbers of UCLA students calling for all of President Trump’s Christian supporters to be placed in concentration camps—and explains why nearly a full year ago, grim warnings began to be issued in America containing such headlines as “How To Talk To Someone Who Wants To Put You In A Gulag”…

via Democrat Party Master Plan To Throw Christians In Concentration Camps Gets Communist Chinese Boost

France Has Assassinated 22 African Presidents Since 1963

For African leaders who boldly stood up to the unending imperialist tendencies of the former colonial powers, this has generally been met with death. And France has never been hesitant to eliminate presidents who posed a threat to their imperialist plans…


FULL ARTICLE Benjamin Fulford 3-11-19… “Pope Francis fired as 13 bloodlines, Gnostic Illuminati negotiate end of Western civil war”

Here’s the full weekly report from Ben. “Pope Francis has been relieved of power as a part of a deal being negotiated between the Gnostic Illuminati and the 13 ruling bloodlines, say two sources, one a European royal, the other a Pentagon boss…


Horseface Story Daniels Is In Bog Trouble

For those of you that now understand You Tube – we have to have a lead in story that won’t get us thrown off the air…


Europe: Migrant Crisis Reaches Spain

Authored by Soeren Kern via The Gatestone Institute, “The biggest migration movements are still ahead: Africa’s population will double in the next decades. A country like Egypt will grow to 100 million people, Nigeria to 400 million.


Anunnaki Evidence in Africa is Being Kept Secret [VIDEO] | Galactic Connection

Published on Mar 6, 2017

The debate has been raging about the Anunnaki – not whether they exist – nor whether they have been to Earth – as the evidence of them being here is so overwhelming that non-acceptance of Anunnaki presence on Earth is only for those in denial of the truth. A brief look at some very obvious evidence in existence today will show that indeed aliens have been on Earth. The aliens are primarily Anunnaki, who came to Earth for conquest of it. Their planet was destroyed, and they wanted another base.

The Anunnaki have elevated the value of gold and silver. They use these and other precious metals to manipulate prices of goods, appeal to people’s vanity, and often use them as the basis of money systems. Many believe that gold and silver are the only true money today. In times of struggle, people tend to invest in gold and silver. However, the Anunnaki invented money to help them enslave the people. Gold and silver are used by the Anunnaki to make their contrived money systems appear to have sound foundations.

Source: Anunnaki Evidence in Africa is Being Kept Secret [VIDEO] | Galactic Connection

Real Life ‘Dementor’ Appears In Africa, Terrifying Residents – Your News Wire


A mysterious humanoid figure baring a striking resemblance to a ‘dementor’ from the Harry Potter movies terrified residents at a shopping center in Zambia this week. 

According to locals, a human-like giant figure hovered around the clouds above a shopping center in Kitwe,  in north-central Zambia, for around 30-minutes before disappearing.

Photographs show a large humanoid head and torso, hovering menacingly in the sky and it is thought to have measured over 100 metres long. reports:

The alleged apparition, which looked like a Dementor from the Harry Potter movies, was spotted above the Mukuba Mall in Kitwe…

Source: Real Life ‘Dementor’ Appears In Africa, Terrifying Residents – Your News Wire

Building Ties: China Calls on African Nations to Join New Silk Road Project — Sputnik International

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has called on African countries to take part in the “One belt, One road” initiative, stressing that Africa had historically been a part of the Silk road economic belt, as well as of the Maritime Silk road.

via Building Ties: China Calls on African Nations to Join New Silk Road Project — Sputnik International



This is hot off the presses folks and has just been released by Prepare For Change. “Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.

Our intention is to dissipate fear, clear up any misunderstandings, and add insights into what is really happening behind the daily headlines. For more background you are invited to read his blog archive totaling 788 entries to this date.  See:”

So…let’s give a shout-out to Prepare For Change, read the COBRA interview to learn more of the real truth, and…


Lynn – Hi Cobra, welcome back to Prepare for Change for this last month of December 2016. This has been a very interesting, revealing and even shocking year for all of us. I thought that today I would give you the opportunity to sum up the strides forward that we have made as a planet in this year 2016.

COBRA –  OK, and the year is not over yet so I will not answer this question before the year is over.  There are certain things ongoing that are quite important and they can, to a certain degree change the outlook on this year.
Lynn – Even these last 10 days huh?

COBRA – Yes, 10 days, yes.

Lynn – Wow. OK.

Aaron –  Hi Cobra, this is Aaron, I’ll be standing in for Richard this week.  A few questions for you and the first question is; First, looking at Benjamin Fulford’s report this week it was stated that David Rockefeller and Nathaniel Rothschild were killed last week. Cobra, have your sources been able to confirm this? Is there any knowledge about where these events occurred?

COBRA – No, actually rumors of this and other Cabal member being killed or arrested are popping up all the time.  When this will happen it will be very close to the breakthrough and when this begins to happen more massively it will be in the main stream media. (thank you)

Lynn – So we have to get this news from mainstream huh?

COBRA – Mainstream or reliable alternative media which will have, which will back up their claims with undeniable evidence and proof.

Continue reading COBRA INTERVIEW ~ 12/20/16

Cemetery Of Alien ‘Giants’ Found In Central Africa — Your News Wire

A team of anthropologists have found the remains of what appear to be real-life giants in a mysterious cemetery in Central Africa. According to scientists, the burial, located in the jungle near the city of Kigali Rwanda, could be evidence of alien life from another planet over 500 years ago. reports: At first, researchers…

via Cemetery Of Alien ‘Giants’ Found In Central Africa — Your News Wire

Thousands Of Africans Rise Up Against Bill Gates — Your News Wire

Africans are rising up against Bill Gates and forcing the closure of a chain of schools funded by the billionaire because the schools are ignoring the laws of the land and putting the “life and safety” of thousands of young children on the line. Uganda’s high court investigated the for-profit schools and immediately ordered them…

via Thousands Of Africans Rise Up Against Bill Gates — Your News Wire

It is not over until we see the 911/311 perpetrators perp walked in front of the world’s TV cameras – Weekly geo-political news and analysis – Message from Benjamin Fulford


September 12, 2016 by benjamin

Take a look (starting at the 11 minutes and 30 second mark), at this G20 video and you can see German Chancellor Angela Merkel making her freemasonic eye sign.–s10

She, the only member of the ruling Saxe-Gotha Rothschild family present, is once again telling those who have eyes to see that the G20, self-described as the world’s highest level economic forum, is just a gathering of Rothschild servants. Look at their garbled communique for yourself to see what a useless joke this group is.

Continue reading It is not over until we see the 911/311 perpetrators perp walked in front of the world’s TV cameras – Weekly geo-political news and analysis – Message from Benjamin Fulford

Khazarian mafia bosses offer to return Tsarist gold to Russia in exchange for shelter – Weekly geo-political news and analysis Message from Benjamin Fulford

Another big sign of Khazarian mafia defeat has been the degrading treatment given to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporate spokesperson Barack Obama in Asia and elsewhere. Obama was literally denied red carpet treatment on his arrival in China for last weekend’s G20 summit. This was in sharp contrast to the super VIP treatment given to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who has been recommended to China by the WDS as a better leader for North America than either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Trudeau was treated like a superstar in China during a one week visit that resulted in Canada publicly dumping its support of the US corporate government by announcing its intention to join the China led AIIB.

Continue reading Khazarian mafia bosses offer to return Tsarist gold to Russia in exchange for shelter – Weekly geo-political news and analysis Message from Benjamin Fulford

WikiLeaks Reveals Rothschild Billion Dollar Money Laundering Plot | Your News Wire

August 16, 2016 by Baxter Dmitry

A newly discovered Wikileaks cable shows that the Rothschilds were involved in a billion dollar money laundering scheme in Africa.

The classified cable from the Public Library of US Diplomacy published by WikiLeaks exposes Rothschild Bank “advising” a “secret and corrupt” billion dollar transaction in order to create a “massive money laundering scheme” in Senegal and crash the struggling nation’s economy.

The secretive Rothchilds are rarely in the news and never publicly rebuked by governments, however the classified cable discovered by Your News Wire reveals that a US diplomatic official clearly referred to the actions of Rothschild Bank as “corrupt” and the transaction as “indefensible.”

The Rothschild-driven deal involved the Senegalese state selling off Sonatel, the national telecommunications company and most profitable public resource, in return for $1.2 billion.

Continue reading WikiLeaks Reveals Rothschild Billion Dollar Money Laundering Plot | Your News Wire

The Portal: July Monthly Update Interview by Cobra

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Here is the July monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change. The transcript and the audio version are available here:

You can submit your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.

Answered questions from past interviews are nicely gathered here:

Victory of the Light!

Continue reading The Portal: July Monthly Update Interview by Cobra

What Exactly Is the U.S. Military Plotting in Africa? | David Icke

‘It’s rare to hear one top military commander publicly badmouth another, call attention to his faults, or simply point out his shortcomings. Despite a seemingly endless supply of debacles from strategic setbacks to quagmire conflicts since 9/11, the top brass rarely criticize each other or, even in retirement, utter a word about the failings of their predecessors or successors. Think of it as the camouflage wall of silence. You may loathe him. You may badmouth him behind closed doors. You may have secretly hoped for his career to implode. But publicly point out failures? That’s left to those further down the chain of command.

And yet that’s effectively exactly what newly installed U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) chief, General Thomas Waldhauser, did earlier this year in a statement to the Senate Arms Services Committee (SASC). It’s just that no one, almost certainly including Waldhauser himself, seemed to notice or recognize it for the criticism it was, including the people tasked with oversight of military operations and those in the media.’

Continue reading What Exactly Is the U.S. Military Plotting in Africa? | David Icke

Ancient Structures Before the Flood: The 200,000-Year-Old Ancient City in Africa » The Event Chronicle

If the Ancient Anunnaki did exist on Earth, wouldn’t we find evidence of their existence today? Well, according to a number of authors, the evidence is all around us.

If the Ancient Anunnaki did visit Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago… would we not find evidence of their reign on Earth today? According to many authors, proof of the existence of the Ancient Anunnaki can be found all around the globe. In this article, we take a look at the 200,000-year-old ancient city discovered in Africa.

Continue reading Ancient Structures Before the Flood: The 200,000-Year-Old Ancient City in Africa » The Event Chronicle

Abortion Drugs Found In Bill Gates’ Tetanus Vaccine | Your News Wire

Posted on July 26, 2016 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai

Anti-fertility abortion drugs found in UNs tetanus vaccine

Doctors in Kenya have accused UNICEF, the World Health Organization and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation of secretly trying to sterilise millions of women in Africa via a tetanus vaccine program.

According to LifeSiteNews, the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association say that doctors have uncovered evidence of a mass sterilisation program sponsored by the Kenyan government and funded by Bill Gates.

Continue reading Abortion Drugs Found In Bill Gates’ Tetanus Vaccine | Your News Wire

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