Category Archives: White House

Putin: Obama’s Deep State Goons Are Running The White House

The deep state is obstructing President Trump from implementing the changes that he promised the American people, according to President Putin, who warns that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are secretly influencing U.S. policy from behind the scenes.

In an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro, President Vladimir Putin explained that Obama and Clinton are so deeply entrenched in the deep state, that even though they have been cast from office by a disgruntled public, they still wield enormous power.

Putin also exposed the role of the deep state in controlling US presidents and refusing to allow them to fulfill their campaign promises. Putin said that when a new president is elected the “people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits” and they tell the new president “how things are done.”

“I have already spoken to three US presidents. They come and go, but politics stays the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration.“…

Source: Putin: Obama’s Deep State Goons Are Running The White House

Emergency At The White House — DR WILLIAM MOUNT

William Mount


via Emergency At The White House — DR WILLIAM MOUNT

White House Announces Major Retreat From U.N. – Your News Wire


The White House has announced a major retreat from the U.N. after Trump ordered a massive 50 percent cut in U.S. funding for United Nations programs. 

The White House is scheduled to release its 2018 budget on Thursday which is expected to include cuts of up to 37 percent for spending on the State Department, the USAID, and other foreign assistance programs, including the U.N. (which amounts to around $10 billion a year).

The Trump administration has repeatedly vowed to distance the U.S. from participating in the “corrupt” United Nations, signalling that it may leave the U.N. altogether…

Source: White House Announces Major Retreat From U.N. – Your News Wire

Huge Court Rulings Favors Vets World Wide


These court rulings have set a Legal Precedent for at least a dozen nations including, but not limited to: the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, South Korea, Philippines, Thailand, China, Russia, and Vietnam.

Any nation that had troops in Vietnam – any nation – must now legally follow these rulings for their veterans.

These court rulings have been absolutely ignored by both the Main Steam Media and the Internet Media yet set up such a stir that they should be reported across the globe.

The two rulings involved US veterans who served on Okinawa during the Vietnam War.

The judges were very careful to limit their rulings to the specific cases to avoid a flood of other veterans asking for help yet the evidence presented set up such a precedence as to effect Veterans across the globe…


“Mark Of The Beast” White House Intruder Linked To Mysterious CIA Recruiter

March 13, 2017 By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An intriguing Foreign Intelligence Report (SVR) circulating in the Kremlin today states that news reports from the United States over the weekend saying that an “intruder” had scaled at least two fences at the White House, where President Donald Trump was in residence, are completely untrue—and that, in fact, this “intruder” has been linked by the SVR to a mysterious American spy having connections to both the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service (BND).  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

White House Secret Service agent belatedly responding to “intruder” on 10 March 2017

According to this report, the White House is considered to be an impenetrable fortress whose Secret Service (SS) protectors call it “Olympus”, because like the mythical mountaintop throne of Zeus, no one gains access to it without an invitation—and whose astounding security measures include:

Just inside the fence, alarms placed below ground and infrared sensors above the ground detect fence jumpers.  Hidden around the perimeter of the lawns and gardens are teams of armed Secret Service agents carrying semiautomatic pistols, shotguns and machine guns.  Snipers who can accurately hit targets as far away as 1,000 yards (914 meters) dot the White House roof.  An entire SWAT team takes to the roof whenever the president enters or leaves the building.”…





Secret Service Insider: Trump ‘Not Safe’ In White House – Get Him Out Now – Your News Wire


A former Secret Service agent has warned that Donald Trump is not safe in the White House and has urged the President to get out of danger’s way. 

Dan Bongino, who served under both Presidents Bush and Obama, issued a warning to Trump on Saturday, claiming that President Trump “is not secure in the White House right now as it stands.”

Commenting on Friday night’s breach of the White House complex, Bongino warned: “If one guy with a backpack and Omar Gonzales with a bad knee could get near the residence of the White House, can you tell me with a straight face that a forty-man tactical assault team with heavy weapons wouldn’t take that place down?

An Assassin “Visited” the White House, Was Apprehended and Nobody Is Talking

(Before It’s News)



Did an assassin visit the White House late last night? How does a man with a backpack get to within 200 yards of the President’s bedroom where he was when the security breach took place?

Was this a beta test for what is coming?  I have been to the backside of the White House. It would take a special athlete to scale the fence and someone who can really close ground, like a special ops, as quickly as he did before he was captured.

This is very disturbing to be writing about another Secret Service failure as I mentally retreat to Dealy Plaza in 1963.


Source: An Assassin “Visited” the White House, Was Apprehended and Nobody Is Talking | Conspiracy Theories

White House Says There Is A ‘Deep State’ & It’s Trying To Undermine Trump – Your News Wire

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters that there is a “deep state” in the United States and it is trying to undermine the government of President Donald Trump.

The term deep state, or derin devlet in Turkish, originated in 1950s Turkey and refers to a secretive network of influential members of the military or government agencies that operates outside the democratic system.

The deep state is believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy.

 Press TV reports:

Spicer was asked by Yahoo News reporter Hunter Walker during a Friday press briefing if the White House believes “there’s such a thing as the deep state actively working to undermine the President.”

“I think there’s no question when you have eight years of one party in office that there are people who stay in government who are affiliated with, joined and continue to espouse the agenda of the previous administration,” he said.

“So I don’t think it should come as any surprise that there are people that burrowed into government during the eight years of the last administration and, you know, may have believed that agenda and want to continue to seek it,” Spicer added.

“I don’t think that should come as a surprise to anyone,” he continued.

Trump and his several senior advisers believe that leftovers from the Obama administration are attempting to discredit the new president’s authority and leak damaging information to the media.

On Friday, US Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked dozens of attorneys appointed by former President Barack Obama to resign in order to allow a “uniform” transition to the administration of his successor, Trump.

The move came a day after Fox News presenter Sean Hannity, who is a strong supporter of Trump, called for a “purge” of “deep-state Obama holdovers.”

Source: White House Says There Is A ‘Deep State’ & It’s Trying To Undermine Trump – Your News Wire

GoldFish Report No. 83 Week 8 POTUS Update with Kent Dunn | The GoldFish Report Blog

Published on Mar 12, 2017

On GoldFish Report No 83, Louisa and Kent discuss POTUS and the nuclear missile test in North Korea and the idea of preemptive action from the U.S. Military, Major update of Galactic intel that related to Antarctica, Attorney General Session cleaning house, intruder at the White House, POTUS’s weekly address and awesome jobs report, Wikileaks and more….Also Update on Gary Larrabee and what viewers can do to help. To help support Gary Larrabee and GoldFish Report visit and specify in your contributions whether it is for Gary or GFR. Thank you for your viewer support. To follow us on Twitter use @ReportGoldfish, on facebook, on our blog, please subscribe to our YouTube channel at The GoldFish Report. Thank you for viewing!

Source: GoldFish Report No. 83 Week 8 POTUS Update with Kent Dunn | The GoldFish Report Blog

Man Caught Headed To Kill President Trump – Just Like We Said

Published on 12 Mar 2017

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: White House Webcams – Live

Friday, February 3, 2017

Here is the link to the live webcam inside the white house.

Watch every briefing live.

Watch protests outside the White House – live.

No more Media Lies

This is absolutely new and initiated by President Trump within the last few days.

Below is the link.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Your Prayers Are Being Answered:

Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: White House Webcams – Live

House Passes Bill Allowing Government to Microchip Citizens with “Mental Disabilities” — True Activist

Credit – Neon Nettle Six years ago, NBC Nightly News boldly predicted that all Americans would be fitted with RFID microchips by the year 2017. Though at the time, NBC’s prediction seemed far-fetched, the House recently passed a bill that would bring a micro-chipped populace closer to reality before year’s end. Last Thursday, the House…

via House Passes Bill Allowing Government to Microchip Citizens with “Mental Disabilities” — True Activist


WHO IS TAKING DOWN HILLARY AND WHY NOWVIDEO: BREAKING: WHO IS TAKING HILLARY DOWN??? – YouTubeThere was a horrible report put out stating that the Hillary Campaign was considering initiating some pretty nasty things to take control of the White House.It appears that the Benson Strategy Group was implicating in recommending to Hillary options like…



Saturday, October 8, 2016



For decades now the US States Department has been starting war after war after war.

Yugoslavia, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya, Algiers, Indonesia, Philippine, and now the tiny country of Yemen  – US arms and ammunition and troops have been across the globe stirring up this war put forth by Albert Pike over a Century ago.

I have a neighbor who was in the navy who was shooting “Terrorists” in Lebanon 30  years ago. No – we had no soldiers there – just troops form the US Navy fighting an Undeclared War 8,000 miles away from his home in Seattle. He would shoot them 3 or 4 times with a worthless M-16 and they just kept running.

The world has had enough.

Just the City of Aleppo Alone in Syria – it used to have a population of 2.5 Million and now – thanks to US bombing after bombing – has a population of around 50,000 people.

This is what the Current US Regime has done.

The Russian’s have drawn the LINE IN THE SAND in Syria.

The US/Russian Cooperative Center in Syria is useless.

Every time the Russians try to cooperate with the US Military they double cross the Russians.



DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Breaking! October Surprise Exposed By Captured Spy

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Video: October Surprise Exposed By Captured Spy – YouTube

Apparently a spy captured in Britain and then brought to the US was wearing a special Cuff Link that was actually a Zip Drive outlining when and where the US October Surprises were to be.

As if a Hurricane guided by a US Submarine was not enough.

The entire story reads like a spy novel and centers around the last Secretary Of State and the murder of Ambassador Christopher Stevens – so here goes…

The CIA has been using Terror Attacks across the globe to do what they were set up to do: gather intelligence and support the US Corporation at all costs.

1) Here we have a CIA Agent openly stating that every single terrorist attack in the US was a false flag.

2) A second CIA Agent openly states that they create terrorist attacks in America

So what you are about to hear is real and we can personally confirm about half of it as an Ambassador and the other half can be confirmed by emails now released and posted on

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Breaking! October Surprise Exposed By Captured Spy

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: US Makes Deal With The Devil

Tuesday, October 4, 2016



Tens of millions of Russians are now heading to Nuclear Bunkers????

As the United States Corporation:

1) Breaks off Diplomatic Relations with Russia

2) Attacks Russian Embassy in Syria – Damascus – attack was conducted by ISIS – which was created by H.E.L.L.R.Y.

3) Threatens Nuclear war

4) Is sending Victoria Nuland – the Death Angel – Now back in the Good Graces of Obama – to Russia to issue a final warning – Bow To Lucifer or Prepare for Nuclear War

The White House Handlers have gone absolutely insane.


A…..These FASCISTS cannot win an election

B…..The BRICS are telling Obama he  needs to step down and return our Republic immediately

C…..The SDR Currencies are now being led by Red China, not the United States Corporation

So the only option these FASCIST in the White House have  is to start an all out Nuclear War.

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: US Makes Deal With The Devil

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Revolting: War On All Fronts

Wednesday, September 28, 2016



Russia and their BRIC allies have done three things in the last week we are only learning about today. They all are preparing for war:
1) First: In a very trying moment just after forces loyal to the United States Corporation outright bombed a Syrian/Russian military base 17 September Russia and China  prepped their Portable ICBM’s for immediate launch

Both Nations have been upgrading their Nuclear Forces now for 3 years.

Now these Portable ICBM’s have been moved to their boarders facing Europe, Alaska and Japan, and the Philippines.

These are not the old Liquid Fuelled Rockets of the 1990s but completely upgraded and rebuilt Nuclear Missiles using solid fuels as their propellants.

Whether they contain Nuclear Warheads, Compressed Nuclear Rods, or other explosives they are very dangerous.

Just three of these Thermonuclear warheads have enough force to literally flatten the state of New York…. And 20 would kill every living thing form the Southern tip of Florida to Northern Coast of Maine – Casualty Rate for ALL Living Things: 100 for 250,000 years.

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Revolting: War On All Fronts

Incompetent American Doofuses try to start WW3 in Syria? | Veterans Today

Are mind-kontrolled, misled USG Officials being used to provoke a nuclear WW3?

On September 17, 2016, so-called “Coalition Forces” led by the US bombed the Syrian Army in Deir Ezzor, Syria, mass-murdering 62 regular Syrian Army and wounding 100 others, according to a credible news report.

It is unclear if there were any Russian Federation Special forces advisors murdered by this attack, which was illegal under international law and constitutes not only an act of war against Syria, but a clear cut war crime.

If Russian Federation Special Forces advisors were murdered, this then constitutes an act of war against the Russian Federation.

This appears to anyone who examines the evidence as an attempt to assist ISIS, which is exactly what happened.

Obviously the US Military has no legal or Constitutional right to be fighting in Syria, assisting ISIS or even in the Mideast at all. This itself is a major war crime.

old glory flag

And it seems pretty clear that this attack on Syrian Army was an attempt by Washington DC to assist ISIS in their battle with the Syrian Army.

It about time everyone understand that ISIS is the abbreviation for Israeli Intelligence Secret Service. And since Israel has infiltrated and hijacked the USG, the Administration and the Pentagon, it should be very clear to all that the US Military has helped to create, finance, supply and (along with Israel) train ISIS.

Continue reading Incompetent American Doofuses try to start WW3 in Syria? | Veterans Today

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Huge Asteroid Headed Towards Earth

Monday, September 19, 2016

Video: Huge Asteroid headed Towards Earth??? – YouTube

Chinese Purple Mountain Laboratory and Observatories – China’s Largest Telescopes – have discovered a Huge Asteroid that just narrowly missed Earth a few days ago

According to US Observatories it just missed Earth by 4,491,320 miles.

This asteroid similar in size to the one that killed off the Dinosaurs 65 million years ago. One small course change and we are all dead

Asteroid 2009ES is one of over 1,600 asteroids known as “Minor Bodies” currently headed towards  Earth according to the Chinese Academy of Science

This comes from the same Academy of Science that predicted that Nubiru would impact planet Earth back in 2012… All the way back to 1980..

So – what are they hiding?

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Huge Asteroid Headed Towards Earth

Pizza and Vodka Secrets Coming Out – Israel Shamir | Veterans News Now

The turning point was the Obama and Putin discussion in Hangzhou.

The recent Syria agreement signed in Geneva by Kerry and Lavrov (probably it will be remembered as “Pizza and Vodka deal”, as the journalists have been served these delicacies by the negotiating teams during the time they had to wait for the results) beside the points disclosed by the foreign ministers included five documents. The US insisted on keeping the content secret, despite Russian insistence to make them known. Here is what we learned about the contents of the secret documents and the negotiation process from our usually reliable Arab and Israeli sources.

The secret documents describe what should happen in Syria after the cease-fire will come into effect. The first day of cease-fire is called Day D. The Russians wanted it to begin at noon, while the Americans preferred sunset on Monday September 12, 2016. The American view prevailed. After first two days, at D+2, if cease-fire holds, the Russians and the Americans will extend it for a longer time. This actually happened on September 14, in a telephone conversation between Lavrov and Kerry. They extended it for another 48 hours. If it will hold for a week, hopefully the sides will extend it indefinitely and proceed to the next stage.

Continue reading Pizza and Vodka Secrets Coming Out – Israel Shamir | Veterans News Now

Message from Mike Quinsey 9-16-16… | Kauilapele’s Blog

mike_quinsey_new_37As with the Sheldan messages, I suggest using Higher Discernment when reading these, to see how it “hits” and applies (or not) to you. If it does notresonate with you, I suggest just passing it by.

Particularly I use caution and discernment regarding all data about “deliveries”, “packages”, “resets”, “RVs”, and all that. I like to remember that everything we need is within ourselves, and whatever we need is supplied as we need it, and intend it.

“It would seem that matters relating to “Revaluation” have now reached the point where all G20 countries involved are now ready to go ahead. It is simply a matter for those placed in charge to arrange the changeover, so that it is carried out in a co-ordinated way… every country will know that having signed up for peaceful co-existence, they break it at the risk of being banished from the Earth… trouble makers will be removed from the planet, and placed where they can no longer interfere with the planned changes upon Earth.

“Many speculate as to what may happen in the race for the White House, now that doubts are being expressed about the health of Hilary Clinton. Donald Trump does not seem keen to become President and Bernie Sanders is waiting in the wings… Be assured that whatever happens the Light will be victorious and nothing will prevent their onward march to victory.

“…as you are at the end of a cycle, depending on their nature your “mistakes” may not incur karma and the Law of Grace invoked. As stated previously, the point of a life review is not to punish you for mistakes, but to agree a way through further experience that will help you overcome them.

“There are two main paths that are carrying people onwards. One is restricted to the lower vibrations as it tries to create a path through the turmoil and problems within the third dimension. Another path makes headway to the higher vibrations through the power of the Light as it grows stronger and stronger. The two cannot continue in opposition and eventually only the Light will remain, and succeed.

“The many changes that are waiting to be announced will soon be upon you, and will not be allowed to be interfered with by anyone. The mould has been set and all is ready to go ahead, however minor changes can take place by way of adjustment. What is going to occur now you are in the time of what has been called the “Harvest of the Souls” is your ascension into the higher vibrations.”


16th September 2016. Mike Quinsey

It would seem that matters relating to “Revaluation” have now reached the point where all G20 countries involved are now ready to go ahead. It is simply a matter for those placed in charge to arrange the changeover, so that it is carried out in a co-ordinated way. It will be the first historic step towards creating peace upon Earth. There is still quite a way to go before total peace can be declared and every country will know that having signed up for peaceful co-existence, they break it at the risk of being banished from the Earth. So rejoice as the long wait is almost over and a peaceful future is assured for you and those who will follow.

You may wonder how the remaining dark Ones can be restrained, but be assured that trouble makers will be removed from the planet, and placed where they can no longer interfere with the planned changes upon Earth. It is possible that many of the dark Ones minions will surrender and no longer represent a danger to the populace. As the new Earth rises up it will be no place for any dark souls or their negative actions. Very soon the many delayed projects that will lift up the Earth, can commence and bring into being the welcome changes that are going to take you full speed into the New Age.

Continue reading Message from Mike Quinsey 9-16-16… | Kauilapele’s Blog

Putin Issues Global Alert: “The American Establishment Is Merciless, Donald Trump Could Soon Die” – WhatDoesItMean

September 15, 2016 By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A stunning Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Putin personally authorized this weeks “international alert” warning that US presidential candidate Donald Trump may soon be killed by the Obama-Clinton regime after confirmation was received that the American government had, essentially, freed Trump assassin Michael Sandford in a “gross violation” of American law. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, on 18 June Michael Sanford attempted to assassinate Donald Trump in Las Vegas, Nevada—and whom the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) had linked to both the UK military and CIA. [See our report: Assassins Who Killed British MP Jo Cox And Targeted Donald Trump Tied To UK Military, CIA]

Continue reading Putin Issues Global Alert: “The American Establishment Is Merciless, Donald Trump Could Soon Die” – WhatDoesItMean

Chessboard Earth: Ignorance is No Excuse — Part 1 » The Event Chronicle


  • A four part series will spell it all out for you
  • Why and how events are occurring now
  • The Real Grand Plan and why

The Poison Chalice of the Jews as Bankers to the mass murderous Jesuits, but who really runs the Zoo? To change our world means educating you.

To take an objective view of this new century, we need to look at the failings of the present system, and why. How is each nation affected, and worse, do they even know? How deeply penetrated is your nation, and how do we clean it up?

Does anyone even start to realise how badly compromised the Global Political / Banking Arena is?

Continue reading Chessboard Earth: Ignorance is No Excuse — Part 1 » The Event Chronicle

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Shocking Shaming In Shanghai The Effect You

Monday, September 5, 2016

Why was the US President was Dishonored in China on Saturday?

Video:Shocking Shaming In Shanghai Saturday – YouTube

Two days ago President Obama landed in China to attend the G-20 meeting there.

When the plane landed the US expected the Red Carpet Treatment.

Instead we can see here that President Obama had to leave the plane through the Emergency Exit at the back of the plane and then many on his Entourage were blocked from attending the G-20 meeting.

Here he can be seen leaving the plane at the rear:

Not only did they not welcome Obama #4 but the airport refused to refuel Air Force One and even to check it’s tire pressures.

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Shocking Shaming In Shanghai The Effect You

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Shocking – Dollar About To Die While We Watch Side Shows

Monday, September 5, 2016



Video: Dollar Demise Hidden By Media Blackouts – YouTube

There seems to be a Black Out on the entire election this season this year by the main stream media and You Tube and Google

Everybody is focused on the Media Blackouts rather than the demise of the dollar.

First – Trump is ahead by over 65 points and all references to his support by Mexicans and Blacks is completely blacked out.

Here at an All Black Church on Saturday – which preaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Detroit – Donald Trump is awarded a Jewish Prayer Shawl by  Bishop Jackson of this Messianic Church immediately causing the Network to shut down the camera – a Blackout on his appearance.

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Shocking – Dollar About To Die While We Watch Side Shows

a part of the movement to Truth!