Category Archives: DENSITIES

Energetic Anatomy: A Complete Guide to the Human Energy Fields and Etheric Bodies

the human energy field is an aura of etheric energy that surrounds and overlays our physical selves and interacts with our mind body and spirit. photo: emoji There are many human energy fields. These include the physically measurable electromagnetic and magnetic fields generated by all living cells, tissues, and organs, and the body as…

via Energetic Anatomy: A Complete Guide to the Human Energy Fields and Etheric Bodies — Prepare for Change

Personal Notes from Cobra’s Ascension Conference ~ March 11-12 2017 – Prepare for Change

Brief history and overview of Plasma

Billions of years ago the Galactic Central race expanded throughout our galaxy creating “light towns” in the form of pulsars….. positioned in Fibonacci sequences and golden ratios that oriented each one back to the Galactic Central Sun. Our galaxy is 100,000 light years across. (it takes light that long to travel across) Our solar system is positioned along a “galactic highway” or plasma filament via Sirius, which acts as a portal directly to our sun, which is also a portal, so it does not take any “time” to travel that far. The Galactic Central race is now overseeing the liberation of our solar system and planet. A great plasma cloud surrounds our solar system and the Chimera group are using this to hide their plasma anomaly (darkness) inside of it.(this is dissolving or is dissolved now as previously mentioned) When the many angels and galactic beings traveled through to our solar system they got trapped inside this anomaly. This is exactly how and the reason why, many of us being here today! (exclamation mine)

The three forms of matter are solid, liquid and gas. When a particular gas is heated to an extreme, it becomes an ionic gas, holding immense amounts of energy – which is plasma. The incredible abundance of cosmic plasma filaments throughout our galaxy holds the keys to free energy. Plasma is made visible in our world in the form of lightning and the aurora borealis. Etheric plasma also holds a tremendous amount of information. Reactions and emotions increase in plasma in our pineal and pituitary chakras and are transmitted to the physical plane and become “our” reality. (i think this is why feelings and emotions play a major role in the manifestation process and how we create our reality) The cabal has placed a scalar plasma network in the brain (similar to computer software programs?) to block our access to higher consciousness. 95% of all illnesses are created as a result of this negative plasma network. Antigravity plasma propulsion can make a bridge or portal between the physical and non physical, and thus there is no “speed, gravity, or actual mass” involved. The same “meta- physics” are utilized in the plasma standing wave that transmits electrons across space, which is what Tesla discovered…. and he created devices that could transmit electrons (electricity) without the use of wire. He and his inventions were hijacked by the cabal….

Source: Personal Notes from Cobra’s Ascension Conference ~ March 11-12 2017 – Prepare for Change

Service to Others is the Only Way to Unity Consciousness — Prepare for Change

Some of us wonder why we live a life of service to others and service to self has been a second fiddle, always on the sidelines.  As a kid at five to twelve, every time our playmate ask for something, anything, I run home to get what he desires.  We find happiness, satisfaction and deep fulfillment when we have given something, a gift, a favor, a service to family, friend or an acquaintance. My friend is more advanced of help to family, he assists his father at a young age to fish and sell  them to buy necessities for home while I get it from our household to share with friends.

We never tire of giving to help someone, even a new person introduced to us by a friend limited by our meager resources.  We favor them with that little attention, that little something, a gift that will make them happy and fulfilled at our expense.  As a little child up to the age of 72,  this has been my life and even my wife asks me why I do this,  give to others, provide and use my limited working time to help others. In a few instances these assistance led to the detriment of my family finance due to  trust afforded others who turn out  to be  a perpetrator or an element of dark beings.  I have lived in the most urban of all areas in PH with a college buddy, intimate of  friends and the two of us turned victims to people of this type.  We had at least  three major  bad personal investments and a lot minor due to what you may call our “trusting behavior to others”. Our innate trust on others turned sour even at our senior years that cost us part of our retirement provisions.

We lived trying years of perseverance what you call hard work and development of professional skills, practical experience or academic, all these years and we still cultivate new skills today. As a door closes a new window of opportunity opens says my friend, Domingo.  As a child,   teenager, collegiate student, professional  and businessmen,  we  have been too trusting.  My close friend-fraternity brother and myself lived the same lives, educating others as child teacher and university lecturers even funding minor scholarships. We have been benefactors despite our shortage of funds to family and friends and sending them to schools even funding a home for them. We gave gifts that we feel we can afford even at times we have to borrow or sell our personal belongings.  We share the same behavior. This must be out of norm  our times,  this 3d timeline as  greed is the number one trait of people I see,  all benefits for themselves, manipulation of men, power over others especially those in big business and the practice of profession. The fact is some of my neighbors question my habit of caring and planting trees, caring for birds, animals  and why I do it.  For me it is but natural to take care of nature as we live with them and  earth carry us, our ever loving satellite…

Service To Others Is The Way To Unity Consciousness

via Service to Others is the Only Way to Unity Consciousness — Prepare for Change

Moving From 3D Body To 5D Light Body | Galactic Connection

Moving From 3D Body To 5D Light Body

I am connecting with THE BODY, my ascending body and the collective ‘body’ of those of us who have chosen ascension as our path and process. I am connecting with this universal experience of body, this human body vessel and temple, this fleshy form, that we’ve all agreed is the vehicle of our walking around life. Yet, this body is changing. It is growing. It is calibrating higher, vibrating higher. It is shifting from carbon to crystalline. It is transforming from being anchored in 3D to transitional and awakening 4D (integration of the astral body) and into 5D.

This is a HUGE process, a big deal as a marker in the evolutionary cycles of our species. Our souls can fly with our astral self (as I am now calling our dream self, or self beyond the body in one aspect or layer of fourth dimensional consciousness), yet our bodies have not been able to come along. Our souls can soar into 5D consciousness, especially during Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and taking of peyote, ayahuasca, etc. Yet, again, the body is ‘left behind’ because its frequency has been too dense, too connected to Mother Gaia in a primordial way to ‘come along’ with the soul’s vibration

Yet now……NOW the body is ascending TOO. It is coming along, doesn’t want to get left behind. This is what THE BODY is telling me in the moment, “Don’t leave me behind! I want to come with you!” Dimensional shifts are about shifts in consciousness yet, also, there IS a shift in what you experience as your outer reality as well… what is inside is what you experience then outside. Experiencing 4D conscious states and higher INSIDE of the body is a new experience and seems to mostly be bridged through meditation and going on multidimensional journeys for which the body comes along and ‘holds’ the awakening experiences…

Source: Moving From 3D Body To 5D Light Body | Galactic Connection

Mind-Control Through Religion in the Draco Empire


The first religion on Earth was the Reptilian belief system brought by the colonists of Lemuria. Their religion believed in a God-Mind that contained a hierarchy, or caste system. This caste system was extrapolated to the several Reptilian species incorporated into the Draco Empire. Each species had its own place in the structure of their…

via Mind-Control Through Religion in the Draco Empire — Prepare for Change

Ascending The Densities of Consciousness | Galactic Connection

Each thread of consciousness (our souls, over-souls, and beyond), within the One multiversal consciousness, exists in one of eight states of consciousness.  Each of these states has a unique set of characteristics, perspectives, and core beliefs that define it.  These states have also been called LEVELS because we generally progress through them sequentially.  This progression is the evolution of our soul’s consciousness, and it is the fundamental process that every Soul is undergoing and striving for — the process also known as Spiritual Evolution.  And it is the primary reason that we incarnate into physical realities like our planet Earth.  Physical experiences, and the challenges that they entail offer our souls an evolutionary fast track, and hence are greatly coveted…

Source: Ascending The Densities of Consciousness | Galactic Connection

18 Spices Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Treat Cancer | Stillness in the Storm

(John Summerly) Believe it or not, but everything you need to prevent or treat cancer is right inside your spice cabinet. More than just dried seeds, fruits, roots, barks or any other plant-based substances that add flavor to our foods, they also double as anti-cancer agents.More than 180 spice-derived compounds have been identified and scientifically explored for their health benefits. It is beyond the scope of a single article to deal with all herbs and spices that may influence the risk of cancer and tumor behavior, so we’ve highlighted 18 of the most powerful…

Source: 18 Spices Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Treat Cancer | Stillness in the Storm

Global Currency Reset – Lucifer versus The Devil – YouTube

Published on 11 Jul 2016

The “Devil” is very much a part of the Global Currency Reset. Learn how. “2012” is happening now in 2016 and beyond. People are waking up, and this provides clarity on two important issues.

*****Subscribe to our channel***
We provide proof that 2012 is happening now in 2016 & beyond.
We provide classes to ready and train you for this imminent transition.
We provide the relevant news.

OUR YouTube CHANNEL: The Positive Side of 2012

Click here to Subscribe:…

Thanks You!

Key Words: QTZ1066, Financial Collapse, Economic collapse 2016, Global financial meltdown, Financial Collapse 2016, Economic Meltdown, Federal Reserve Dollar, Fort Knox, Fort Knox Documentary, Fort Knox 2016, White Dragon, White Dragon Society, Red Dragon Society, Green Dragon Society, IMF, World Bank, International Money Fund, Network of Global Corporate Control, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, General Dunford. Politics, Geopolitics. Global currency Reset

Keywords: The Space Fence, Weather Weapon, Weather Warfare, Haarp, Positive Side of 2012,, David Wilcock, Corey Goode, Reptilians, Mantis, Illuminati, Cabal, Criminal Banking Cartel, The Elite, Panama Papers, David Wilcock Coast to Coast AM Radio, consciousness, the event is coming soon, Free Energy, Keshe Foundation, The Planet Daily News, SGT Report, WeAreAwake, We are Change, Benjamin Fulford, MLordandGod, Light Alliance, Galactic Federation of Light, The Event is coming Soon, Karen Hudes, The Alex Jones, disclosure, Geoengineering,
Full documentary Khazars
by: john matrix
Published on Jan 17, 2014

This is a movie, and has lots of old film footage. They talk about the Talmud and how the Bad-guys re-wrote the Jewish encyclopedia.


We are Moving out of 3D Separation Consciousness… This is a subject that feels timely because much ancient darkness is being released right now from the planetary light grids and from our energy fie…


UPDATED: Cosmic Disclosure – Transformational Power of the Great Solar Flash

Transformational Power of the Great Solar Flash


Cosmic Disclosure with David Wilcock

S7:Ep6 34 mins February 7, 2017

Guest: Corey Goode, Jay Weidner

An energetic shift for our solar system is underway and it is initiating changes within the sun and the for whole of humankind. Corey Goode and Jay Weidner explain what these changes mean for the future of humanity as we continue our shift from 3rd to 4th density. Despite concerted attempts to stunt this ascension process, extraterrestrial assistance will ensure our continued evolution as they help to prepare us for the coming great solar flash. This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast on February 7, 2017.

The Portal: Mysteries of Isis

Mysteries of Isis are the remnant of the original Goddess mysteries that were brought to Atlantis by the Central Race many hundreds of thousands of years ago. These mysteries were practiced uninterrupted for countless millennia on the surface of the planet in sacred temples dedicated to the Goddess. Living contact with the Goddess presence, the clear divine feminine archetype originating directly from the Source, was the basis of stability and harmony of the society.After the interferences of the dark forces started on the planet, and especially after the Archon invasion 26,000 years ago, that perfect connection with the feminine aspect of the Source got interrupted.

Source: The Portal: Mysteries of Isis

PAO – Update for January 17, 2017

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

6 Eb, 15 Chen, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The procedures agreed upon continue to move forward at their own slow pace. The emphasis as always remains security and the maintenance of an even flow. This operation has thus been reduced to proceeding with major sequences and keeping the public in the dark until certain primary security points are reached. This has become paramount to the success of this process. The initial elements remain the global introduction of the new treasury monies from the new Republic, the complex RV operation in America and the breakout of the GCR. These new monies are to be accompanied by the official roll out of the new international financial system. At that time, the new designated President can explain NESARA and the jubilee to all. This set of special announcements is eventually to permit a disclosure statement to occur, and to finally permit us to commence our broadcasts to you. This is to set the stage for other events that can force world peace and a way to produce the environment dreamed of when NESARA was first proposed in the late 1990s. This global condition can lead to a number of other events.

Source: PAO – Update for January 17, 2017

Brian’s Comments/Theories


The structure of the universe is a fractal hologram of the asymmetric geometry of the photon. – David Wilcock – Gaia

We are two years into the tribulation out of the bible. The ride has got too rough, so they are cutting it short. 14Jan17 is when Freewill is being removed.(-Kent Dunn) What does that mean? Freewill allows us to make unloving actions and therefore accrue Karma “Voltage”. Too much voltage loss and we lose our ability to hang onto the body we are in. Too much voltage loss and you could find yourself on the other side unable to pick up another human body until you raise your voltage again through animal or plant kingdom lives. Every abuser loses voltage to the abused when they act unloving. So make every moment a loving thought!IMHO

Pleiadians Attending CONFERENCE 10-12 MARCH 2017 IN OLYMPIA – Dr William Mount

We are all counting down until the 20th Trump Inauguration. Then we will see some heads roll!


Bad behaviour is like a viral infection, It infects all of the relationships that it is present in.

The next ascension energy wave event is due on the 14Jan. Freewill will be removed. Time to choose a side, STO or STS. Service to Others vs Service to Self. We are heading towards The bifurcation, choose a side, choose a destination! The dark are going elsewhere! – Kent Dunn

Alien Arrival FEB 2017. Healing Ships coming out of antartica – 8 mins to completely heal you. – Kent Dunn

project staquake. gamma ray burst to remove the Dark Forces and AI from this star system. started 26th Dec 2017.

7/1/2017 Wow. Energy wave is hitting us now.  The Ascension Ride.

Prozac is powdered LSD

The victory of the light is occurring according to ‘The Plan’. As soon as this plan began, the result was predetermined. The last stages of the plan that we are in now is very fluid. Every move of the dark is being countered. – Kent Dunn

Zap says that the next big meeting will occur on 16 Jan 2017. After that there will be no going back.

Kent Dunn doesn’t expect anything much to happen before Feb 2017.

We are all waiting for Trump to take office on the 20th Jan 2017. He has an executive order in his pocket waiting to be signed invalidating all executive orders signed while Obama was in office. via Larrabee

All of the dark must be brought into the light for the healing to occur.

It all hangs on Aleppo! then we will have it all.

Forgiveness is the way through this thing we are doing together.

What is really going on in Syria? ET’s? underground bases? What stories will the liberated Aleppoeans have to tell us?


– The New York Times
– The Washington Post
– NBC News
– CBS News
– ABC News
– The Huffington Post
– Rolling Stone
– BBC News
– Sky News
– Financial Times
– Politico
– New York Daily News
– L.A. Times
– USA Today
– US News & World Report
– Gawker
– Newsweek
– Time
– Business Insider
– Daily Beast
– Yahoo News
– Daily Kos
– Young Turks
– Slate
– Raw Story
– New Yorker
– Buzzfeed
– MoveOn
– Think Progress
– Media Matters
– Wonkette
– Center for American Progress
– Little Green Footballs
– The Economist

To all those that are suffering with depression, my heart goes out to you! I know what it is like. I just wanted to let everybody know that we are supposed to feel depressed, we’re slaves. When we are no longer slaves, we’ll be FREE!! I wonder how much depression we will see then?

President Obama: “I will win the war on Christmas.” This sounds pretty ominous. What has he got planned that he thinks will win him the war on christmas day probably?

When you include the ability to time travel into every event and every group, the ripples from tweaking an event would permeate throughout the universe throughout time. That means that at any moment, everything could change. It is probably why we feel like we have been wrenched back and forth, we probably have been.

Every year we have to work longer hours to afford the same things.

16.11 It’s easy to have compassion for other people when you understand the true nature of the machine in which we live.

9.11 Trump WINS! Victory to the Light Forces!

30.10  Gratitude is the energic structure in which love can flow.

26.10 [US Elections] “But hackers could post documents, some of which might be falsified” 

If Hillary wins we will know that they  control the system.

25.10 The sun must be charging for a massive EMP blast to clear the AI threat from this solar system. I wonder what it will do to us?


Cobra interview 05 January 2017 MUST WATCH – YouTube

This is Incredible! Lots and lots of data points cleared up. My categories are my notes.

Sound travels through the ether.

Situation Update and Monthly Cobra Interview with Prepare for Change — The Portal

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces are quite successful in severing the tentacles of the Yaldabaoth entity from its main body that is attached to Earth. On the other hand, clearing of the main mass of Yaldabaoth is a serious challenge and there is a severe war taking place on the plasma…

via Situation Update and Monthly Cobra Interview with Prepare for Change — The Portal

VIDEO LECTURE: The Ascension Hypothesis – Is Mother Earth’s coming planetary density shift a reality? by Alfred Lambremont Webre — NewsInsideOut

WATCH “The Ascension Hypothesis” LECTURE as presented at Warsaw Poland Truth Conference YouTube: Warsaw, Poland – In this video Lecture The Ascension Hypothesis presented at Warsaw’s October 29, 2016 Exposing the Truth Conference, Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre presented his hypothesis that a density shift between 3rd & 4/5th densities may be a cyclical part…

via VIDEO LECTURE: The Ascension Hypothesis – Is Mother Earth’s coming planetary density shift a reality? by Alfred Lambremont Webre — NewsInsideOut

The Portal: August Monthly Update Interview by Cobra

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Here is the August monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change. The transcript and the audio version are available here:

You can submit your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.

Answered questions from past interviews are nicely gathered here:

Victory of the Light!

Continue reading The Portal: August Monthly Update Interview by Cobra

PAO – Update for August 30, 2016

sheldan nidle8 Batz, 15 Uo, 13 Caban

Selamat Jalwa! This world is now under stress. Final conflicts are being drawn out everywhere. The Light has managed to gain the upper hand in all of these concluding events. The dark can clearly see that its last struggles are only to end in defeat. These last arguments, which include the new monetary system and the accompanying financial system, have largely been decided. Even the introduction of the currency exchanges has begun. It is expected that many of you are soon to receive vital information that is to permit you to take your long-held currencies and exchange them for vast amounts. These are just part of a way to jump-start the many long-awaited currency exchanges first promised a few years ago. The main obstacles came from a de facto American regime, which greatly feared the results of such large monetary exchanges made by those who had never before been given such an extended series of tremendous opportunities. Nevertheless, this is just a beginning, caused by the many delays that hampered the sending out of what are called “the prosperity programs.” This fact has slightly altered the original sequencing.

The prosperity programs have long been tied to what is now called the new NESARA republic. It is this entity that the dark greatly fears. It brings into power a legal entity charged with returning this government to US constitutional authority and ends all the illegal practices that severely debased its currency and diminished peoples’ rights. This new temporary governance (4 months in length) is to right all of this and gives America common law, liberty and immense prosperity. It is this new governance that is to encourage peace, cooperation and harmony among nations. It is also to make the first global overtures that are to lead swiftly to full disclosure of our benevolent existence. It is to allow us to publicly address you about first contact and how, together, we can move all of you toward full consciousness. This process is to include our mentor program and the use of a living Crystal Light Chamber. All of this is to include a series of key lectures by your Ascended Masters!

Continue reading PAO – Update for August 30, 2016

GIANTS in Suspended Animation Ready to Awaken, Whistleblower Claims –

Published on September 16, 2015 by

More than a century ago, a secret society discovered a cave hidden deep beneath the Earth’s surface. Inside the cave were several ancient giants, alive but in a state of suspended animation.

We might think we know the truth about Earth’s ancient history but it isn’t so.

Whistleblower Corey Goode claims to have spent 20 years enrolled in secret space programs and covert government operations. During this period, he witnessed a multitude of extremely bizarre events and visited places we never even knew existed.

One of the most interesting of them was an underground chamber where ancient giants were being kept in suspended animation, since times immemorial. According to Goode, the chamber was constructed by the Ancient Builder Race, and the hibernating giants were the last of their kind.

Several of these giants were kept inside crystal pods, in a deathlike state. But they were not dead.

stasis_1 (1)

Continue reading GIANTS in Suspended Animation Ready to Awaken, Whistleblower Claims –

5th Dimension Consciousness : In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database

August 7, 2016 by Trish LeSage

We are living during a monumental time in which humanity is experiencing a shift to higher consciousness. We are shifting from 3rd dimension consciousness to 5th dimension consciousness. The following is what one may experience once they have reached 5th dimension consciousness and beyond:

When a person reaches 5th dimension consciousness, they may experience existing in a permanent state of peace, bliss, love, and joy. No effort is required on their part to remain in this state. This takes place naturally and automatically. All dissonant energy is automatically filtered out.

In addition to automatically existing in a permanent state of peace, bliss, love, and joy, people who have reached 5th dimension consciousness may begin to automatically see themselves in everyone whether it be humans or animals. They may also begin to automatically feel love for everyone.

Continue reading 5th Dimension Consciousness : In5D Esoteric, Metaphysical, and Spiritual Database

Understanding Service to Other (STO), Service to Self (STS), the Seven Densities of Consciousness, the Astral and Etheric Planes, and more — by Tom Montalk | Stillness in the Storm

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

(Stillness in the Storm Editor)The following is a detailed and in-depth conceptual organization of the density system used by the Law of One material and popularized in the fields of alternative research and metaphysics. In addition, descriptions of the service to others and service to self modalities are explored with emphasis on enhancing the reader’s comprehension of these foundational concepts of consciousness.

Tom Montalk authored the following piece and provides a wealth of knowledge on his website

Several readers have sent me this information before but I hadn’t reviewed it until recently, and I was impressed by the clarity, succinctness, and form that his presentation style uses.

Montalk’s very logical and scientific approach is helpful in comprehending often difficult to understand and sometimes poorly expressed metaphysical knowledge in a clear and concise way. For those seeking to gain a clearer picture of the spiritual laws of creation and how they manifest in the cosmos, the following is an excellent resource.

Montalk’s descriptions in this regard are quite useful, which I will add to for furthered understanding.

Here is an excerpt from an interview between myself and Yvonne Palermo in April or 2016:


These terms are used interchangeably within the awakening community by and large. And within a common vernacular there’s nothing wrong with that. However, there is a distinct difference between density and dimension insofar as objective phenomenon.


Dimension refers to a polarization of potentials. Simply put, up and down, left and right, back and forth. These are 3 dimensions we use every day. In time, dimensions are forward and back in experience and potential futures. Time provides the context for space to be experienced and vice versa, which can be explored via consciousness.

Continue reading Understanding Service to Other (STO), Service to Self (STS), the Seven Densities of Consciousness, the Astral and Etheric Planes, and more — by Tom Montalk | Stillness in the Storm

The Portal: June Monthly Update Interview by Cobra

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Here is the June monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change. The audio version and the transcript are available here:


You can submit your questions to and many of them will be answered in the next monthly update interview.

Answered questions from past interviews are nicely gathered here:

Victory of the Light!

Source: The Portal: June Monthly Update Interview by Cobra