Category Archives: New Global Financial System(CIPs)

Putin, Xi to Cut US Dollar Out of Eurasian Trade; US Elites Panic

The Russia-China strategic partnership, consolidated last week in Russia, has thrown U.S. elites into Supreme Paranoia mode, which is holding the whole world hostage Something extraordinary began with a short walk in St. Petersburg last Friday…


Who Gets Top Eat During The Financial Reset?

The Points of view, and purpose of this video, is not to bully or harass anyone, but rather share those opinions and thoughts with other like-minded individuals curious about these subjects…


Looking Into The Economic Reset Abyss

SUBSCRIBE – DISCOVER NEVER STOP LEARNING PRAY WE CAN STAY ON THE AIR ========== LOOKING INTO THE ABYSS OF AN ECONOMIC RESET ========== About 10 days ago China and Russia announced they were preparing for this coming Economic Reset as the following occur: 1) Gold Backed Yuan hits on Monday 2)..


PAO – Update for May 23, 2017

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

13 Etznab, 1 Pax, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The distribution game is entering its next stage. Those in charge are moving toward a more selective system to more easily and securely move funds. It is believed that, in this way, all major receivers can be “hydrated” more quickly. As stated previously, this complex process needs to be completed in a swifter and more comprehensive way.

   As the whole reality moves forward, this procedure requires the speedy rise of the new NESARA Republic. It seems that a delay should concern everyone. We need this republic simply because it can allow for the quick isolation of the dark ones and their insane USA, INC. The implementation of new currencies, and other related activities, can then proceed as originally planned. In effect, the whole set of stages can then take on a much-needed degree of faster regularity.

   Why is there continuing delay to ending the suffering created by this abominable government? This illegal government, USA, Inc, has been allowed to exist despite its supposed demise for the past 18 months. Furthermore, why is the present global banking system still in effect and why has the Federal Reserve been permitted to act as it does despite the warning supposedly given it by the World court in The Hague? These are indeed some of our many quandaries.

   At present, we are watching as the changes forged by the Chinese Elders and their allies go into effect. Despite these realities, the globe is acting as though nothing of substance has occurred. We are told that all this is to be dramatically altered very shortly. We ask that a number of things change immediately so the Light’s way can continue as promised, and the new NESARA Republic can be declared. So, let us, in Joy, legally proclaim the new American NESARA Republic!!!

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We bless you and thank you for your great visions! Together, we are supporting the means whereby the GCR is getting readied to be broadly distributed to all of you. Much is happening around this globe in its own right divine time. This process of distributing the vast amount of currencies is working its way forward. At present, this process is just beginning. Many amazing events are extremely close to happening, and you are very close to seeing things that are to truly amaze you!

   Heaven is seeing to it that its divine schedule is being met. The current realm is therefore quite close to a grand transformation. These changes, as noted above, are to bring the prosperity, freedom and sovereignty that you have long been promised. At times, it has been necessary to move forward more slowly than originally envisioned. Heaven is nevertheless steadfast in its resolve. Some are being paid while others are very near to their own success. We ask you to await the great glory that is being prepared for you!

   Hence, we are in joy over the wondrous gifts of the Creator. It has taken much to secure the transformation of this realm. The dark cabal now fully accepts its eventual fate. These last moments can seem endless, but remain, like Heaven, in full confidence of your treasures, and in this sacred mode, ready yourself for what is to happen next. We Masters even now expect many wonders to sweep away the dark and restore the Light to its glorious position as when our ancestors first arrived on this most precious orb. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

   Today, we have once again given you a brief report about what is going on in your realm. Positive forces are moving forward to assure our mutual success. Hence, we ask that you go beyond moments of brief desperateness and prepare for your inevitable glory! Know, dear Ones, that the countless and never-ending supply of Heaven is yours! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Source: PAO – Update for May 23, 2017

Benjamin Fulford 5-22-17… “The old guard simply refuses to hand over the financial system so it will have to be replaced”

Sheldan Nidle Update 5-2-17…

The GoldFish Report No 92, POTUS First 100 DAYS Legacy with Kent Dunn

Published on Apr 30, 2017

On The GoldFish Report No. 92, Louisa and Kent discuss how the Act of 1871 is directly related to the first 100 Days of Donald Trump’s Presidency and the historic implications it will have on humanity. From the UCC-1 straw-man accounts to the Global Currency Reset, NESARA, GESARA and Geopolitical implication of this Trump Administration and more. To receive our reports, you can subscribe to us on YouTube at The GoldFish Report, or you can follow us on Twitter at @ReportGoldfish, on our blog at, please like us on facebook at adn to help support our viewer supported public social media please visit and make a contribution to help support the production of these reports. For our viewers with ideas for our 100th GoldFish Report please send ideas to Thanks for Viewing!

Source: The GoldFish Report Blog | The GoldFish Report

UN And Western Spy Chiefs In Panic After Russia Launches “First Strike” Against US Dollar

April 24, 2017 By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

In what is looking more by the hour to be a Russian “first strike” against the United States during this current “cold phase” of World War III, the Security Council (SC) is reporting today that President Putin has ordered the immediate implementation of the “Golden Tsar” attack plan against the US dollar—and that has so terrified the West, its top spy masters (the “Five Eyes Alliance”), have rushed to New Zealand for a secret meet and the UN Security Council is now rushing to the White House—but whose efforts to counter the Federation will fail; and as stated by top Kremlin advisor Sergey Glazyev who warned these Western elites: “The more aggressive the Americans are the sooner they will see the final collapse of the dollar as the only way for the victims of American aggression to stop this aggression is to get rid of the dollar…[and] as soon as we and China are through with the dollar, it will be the end of the United States military might”.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, after the collapse of the Bretton Woods gold standard in the early 1970s, the US struck a deal with Saudi Arabia to standardize oil prices in dollar terms—and through this deal, the “petrodollar system” was born, along with a paradigm shift away from pegged exchanged rates and gold-backed currencies to non-backed, floating rate regimes.

To the catastrophic effect on the entire world of the United States creating its petrodollar system, this report explains, is shown by President John F. Kennedy, in the early 1960’s, attempting to break his nations military-industrial-complex’s “state of perpetual war”—and that allowed him to drastically reduce his nations national debt rise to only $23 billion bringing its total to $312 billion—but that he wasn’t able to continue due his public assassination in 1963.

Under Kennedy’s predecessor, President Lyndon Johnson, this report continues, the illegal Vietnam War was ramped up costing the American people, by 1969, $42 billion and bringing its national debt total to $354 billion.

Assuming power from President Johnson in 1969, this report further details, President Richard Nixon added another $121 billion to his nation’s debt for the illegal Vietnam War brining his nation’s national debt total to $475 billion—an amount so staggering for its time it caused what is now called the “Nixon Shock” when, on Friday, 13 August 1971, Nixon ordered the unilateral cancellation of the direct international convertibility of the US dollar to gold…


DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Dollar To Loose World Reserve Currency Status







Source: DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Dollar To Loose World Reserve Currency Status

Emergency At The White House — DR WILLIAM MOUNT

William Mount


via Emergency At The White House — DR WILLIAM MOUNT

Putin Splits Russia From International Banking Cartel – Ditching Dollar For Gold

Putin to split Russia away from international banking carter -ditching the dollar for gold

Russian President Vladimir Putin has begun the process of freeing Russia from the international banking cartel completely, by ditching the dollar in favor of gold. As tensions between the west and Russia reach boiling point, […]

via Putin Splits Russia From International Banking Cartel – Ditching Dollar For Gold — Your News Wire

Foster Gamble, Thrive Movement, 2-25-17… “An Encouraging Look Forward”

GoldFish Report No. 83 Week 8 POTUS Update with Kent Dunn | The GoldFish Report Blog

Published on Mar 12, 2017

On GoldFish Report No 83, Louisa and Kent discuss POTUS and the nuclear missile test in North Korea and the idea of preemptive action from the U.S. Military, Major update of Galactic intel that related to Antarctica, Attorney General Session cleaning house, intruder at the White House, POTUS’s weekly address and awesome jobs report, Wikileaks and more….Also Update on Gary Larrabee and what viewers can do to help. To help support Gary Larrabee and GoldFish Report visit and specify in your contributions whether it is for Gary or GFR. Thank you for your viewer support. To follow us on Twitter use @ReportGoldfish, on facebook, on our blog, please subscribe to our YouTube channel at The GoldFish Report. Thank you for viewing!

Source: GoldFish Report No. 83 Week 8 POTUS Update with Kent Dunn | The GoldFish Report Blog

PAO – Update for February 21, 2017

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

2 Manik, 10 Zac, 13 CabanDratzo! A slowed but steady pace is now in effect. Processes continue that put security over delivery. Those who represent the old cabal are fighting hard, and producing a series of worrisome protracted delays. It is a strategy that is returning our allies to a more cautious attitude. We are reminded of how well the dark likes complexity. It is the last stand of these dark ones and the last means of further delaying our strategy. Yet part of a new timetable is shortly to meet with success. A number of old items currently require our attention. All of the other pathways are to be reopened. The dark minions are finally to be arrested, their activities revealed and a prosperous reality unveiled. Until then, we need to ask you to be patient. Your grand reward is close to fruition. Those who have been in power for so long are shortly to be vanquished. Although our progress has been slow it is nevertheless succeeding. This corrupt and tyrannical, illegal governance is being squeezed out. A new time is nearly here!…

Source: PAO – Update for February 21, 2017

Weekly geo-political news and analysis – 13Feb17 – Benjamin Fulford


Posted by benjamin. February 13, 2017. There are intense power struggles taking place in the United States and China these days meaning that big new initiatives for the planet as a whole will have to wait until the dust settles in both countries, Chinese and American sources say.The struggle in the United States is, to simplify things somewhat, between the deep state faction behind Trump and the remnants of the Bush/Clinton deep state apparatus. In China, three main factions are duking it out as part of an elaborate power dance that will produce a new central government line up sometime around the end of March.When these power struggles are over, then we can expect major reforms of the Federal Reserve Board, the United Nations, the IMF, the EU etc. to begin in earnest.Let us start with the US power struggle, which has intensified now that Jeff Sessions has been formally appointed Attorney General. Immediately following his appointment Trump issued an executive order that “re-focuses the Federal Government’s energy and resources on dismantling transnational criminal organizations, such as drug cartels.” As a Pentagon official described it “Trump declared war on the Bushes and Mexican drug cartels.”…

Source: Weekly geo-political news and analysis

In Knights of Malta Land » The Event Chronicle

Is spiritual fascism in retreat? By Alcuin Bramerton On Tuesday 6th December 2016, Albrecht von Boeselager(Germany) was sacked from his position as Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Malta. This was in direct defiance of the clearly-stated wishes of…

Source: In Knights of Malta Land » The Event Chronicle

Long time U.S. vassal state Japan to bypass dollar and SWIFT to transact using China’s CIPS system in inter-bank settlement » The Event Chronicle

By Joseph P. Farrell The Nefarium has been busy this week, and I’ll bet you didn’t even hear about this one on the lamestream corporate globaloneyist media: Continues from The Daily Economist… Long time U.S. vassal state Japan to bypass…

Source: Long time U.S. vassal state Japan to bypass dollar and SWIFT to transact using China’s CIPS system in inter-bank settlement » The Event Chronicle

Benjamin Fulford 2-6-17… “The long awaited arrests of cabalists are supposed to start this week”

Intel: Intel SITREP – 01:00 EST – Friday – January 20, 2017


The Republic is 100% controlled by Russia and China (Elders) in exchange for relieving our national debts and replacing our defaulted USD worldwide with a gold backed TRN/USN.The alternative was a former Soviet Union type implosion and fracture of state assets to foreign bidders.Our military is also now 100% controlled via this same deal due to our 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 military budgets being paid for by the Chinese Elders. So is Israel’s BTW– hence the two state solution imposed on them recently at the end of Obama’s second term.Russia has long held hard evidence against Trump — all of D.C. in fact — and has the ability to release it.

Source: Intel: Intel SITREP – 01:00 EST – Friday – January 20, 2017

PAO – Update for January 17, 2017

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

6 Eb, 15 Chen, 13 Caban

Dratzo! The procedures agreed upon continue to move forward at their own slow pace. The emphasis as always remains security and the maintenance of an even flow. This operation has thus been reduced to proceeding with major sequences and keeping the public in the dark until certain primary security points are reached. This has become paramount to the success of this process. The initial elements remain the global introduction of the new treasury monies from the new Republic, the complex RV operation in America and the breakout of the GCR. These new monies are to be accompanied by the official roll out of the new international financial system. At that time, the new designated President can explain NESARA and the jubilee to all. This set of special announcements is eventually to permit a disclosure statement to occur, and to finally permit us to commence our broadcasts to you. This is to set the stage for other events that can force world peace and a way to produce the environment dreamed of when NESARA was first proposed in the late 1990s. This global condition can lead to a number of other events.

Source: PAO – Update for January 17, 2017

I CHOOSE A LIFE OF SERVICE! Is The Event’ happening on 14Jan17 – The Signs Are There


11 January 2017


Brian hyland melbourne.jpg

This morning I was made aware of my dad’s presence behind and supporting me. Now I can feel him and the tears are rolling!:-)

My other confirmation was yesterday when a friend said that she saw her Aunty inside her reflection in the mirror.

To me that makes two confirmations that deceased, loved ones are showing themselves to their living, loved ones here in Perth, Australia.

Looks like our loved ones have all come back to support us in this transformation that is about to occur.

“I was rocked the other day with what I felt to be a reversal of the gravity field on new years day around 11. It nearly knocked me off my feet. I broke out into multiple bodies, at least four or five all standing with me. I felt the ground shake for several hours with aftershocks.”

The Blue Avians told Corey Goode that when The Event/Energy Wave was almost upon us, we would get reports from all over the world of deceased, loved ones visiting the living.  “By this, you will know that it is almost upon you”.

This is the beginning of the New Golden Age that Cobra is calling NEW ATLANTIS!

The veil is an energy grid that extends 8.6 miles up from the surface of the planet. Its function is to block access to most of what is inside of us. It has been mined and latched with booby traps which are being deactivated before The Event can happen.   This frequency fence that blocks us, is ending, and is being replaced now with what Cobra is calling The NEW ATLANTIS ENERGY GRID.

At some point during or after the event, that part that is unconscious will become conscious again. It contains all of our past lives and memories and our 4D/5D/6D? abilities.

I have noticed that telepathy and synchronicity are increasingly present in my life. And for others around me too!

“We have been contained to only 2.3% of what looks to be an IMMENSE brain capacity.”-Kent Dunn

The event will allow the world to change. The Event will allow the GCR/RV, NESARA/GESARA, New financial system, new government, New free energy tech, replicators (advanced 3d printers), food clothing and shelter for the entire planet.

To my knowledge, The Event is not Ascension, but there are many entanglements in the understanding and unfolding of both of these events.

Continue reading I CHOOSE A LIFE OF SERVICE! Is The Event’ happening on 14Jan17 – The Signs Are There

US elections to be cancelled and war crimes tribunals to be held Pentagon and CIA sources say

October 10, 2016 by benjamin

The US Presidential election due for November 8th will be cancelled and instead there will be war crimes tribunals held, sources in both the Pentagon and the CIA say. The excuse for cancelling the election will be the resignation of one of the presidential candiates, the CIA sources say.

Here is the raw intel from the CIA:

“There is now a 90% probability that the elections will be postponed.”

I asked my contact in DC why? His answer was:

“You can’t have an election with one candidate”

I asked him which one will be removed. His reply was:

“I am not allowed to tell you, let’s just say that Obama will make the announcement very soon.”

The Pentagon sources, for their part, say “The 911 law will push Saudi Arabia to expose Israel, Bandar bin Sultan and the Bush cabal behind 911 and will lead to a real truth commission and a war crimes tribunal.”

Since it is only a few weeks before the election, it will not be long before we see if these predictions come to pass.

In any case, the data dump of over one million documents revealing the extensive crimes of the Clinton Foundation make it clear there is a powerful faction within the military industrial complex that is fighting to overthrow the Khazarian mafia. That is because such a data dump cannot be carried out by individual hackers and requires a governmental organization with access to high level computer systems. At the same time, the fact the corporate media and net giants like Google are censoring this data makes it clear the owners of the big corporations

Continue reading US elections to be cancelled and war crimes tribunals to be held Pentagon and CIA sources say

You Are Being “Played” – Prepare for Change

The RV will happen when the “Working Out” Vibration is strong enough that it reaches the Tipping Point and goes.

Even though we in Dinarland think we are helping the RV go, we are being Played by CABAL tricks to keep it from going. You are being used and you don’t even know it. Here is how they are “Playing You” to keep the RV from happening. There are two main groups that are being manipulated, the Un-Aware General Public, and the Aware Dinarland.

How Negative or Positive Vibration Influence Events

The whole point is that there has to be a high Vibration of Working Out, to support and Cause the High Vibration Working Out RV Event. Simply stated: High Working Out Vibrations Create Working Out Events. On the other hand, increased NOT Working Out Vibrations prevent good things from happening (Not Supported) and instead create/cause bad (not working out) things to happen.

How “They” Play The Un-Aware General Public

Of course, the General Public has no Idea about the RV/NESARA that will change their lives for the better. This is a GREAT (Working Out) event that is “Pending” in their future. When will it happen for them? Simple, when the vibration of working out is strong enough to tip the scales toward starting the (Working Out) RV/NESARA event.

So, what do the CABAL do to keep the General Public’s Vibrations low? They have shootings which scare people into worrying. They bring in immigrants to take their jobs so that the general public stress over that issue. They put lead in their water, pollute the environment, threaten Martial Law, offer unsuitable candidates for president. They do everything they can to scare people into worry and fear to keep the vibration low preventing “Good – Working Out” things from happening.


Continue reading You Are Being “Played” – Prepare for Change

Intel SITREP Report – GCR/RV, Republic, Military, Cabal, NESARA/GESARA


Received via email for publication……

Good afternoon currency community,

Ok, here’s what we know after last nights intel drop…

The final military special forces ops and ghost tactical sweeps have begun, we are hearing the mission is casually being called “Operation Catch & Release” for obvious reasons.  This sweep includes corporate bad actors of the cabal as well as military and government high profile targets, basically anyone on the “super naughty list” is now being permanently terminated–no questions asked, no arrests, no courts, no stinking badges.

nesara.jpgSadly, this is the ultra aggressive military action many have been asking for.  It’s cold blooded and comes without warning.  It also was astrologically and strategically begun after Mercury Retrograde went direct in Asia, as this is what the Chinese believed was the optimum day and time to start the final phase of execution.  Know they are very precise with everything they do and say.  So as arrogant and entitled Westerners, it’s wise we listen to what the Chinese have to say now… as they’re running the world’s finances just as Russia is now the new international supercop on military scene.  Ears open, mouths shut ’cause there’s a few new sheriffs in town.

The month of September was always the month for final implementation of all aspects of the GCR, with the RV and Paris Agreement being key components.  As October 1, 2016 marks the international legal and fiscal start of the new CIPS/Promise/Quantum Satellite delivery platform.  All monies have long been settled in necessary domiciles and accounts, and it sits waiting for mass release.  Smaller releases have occurred, and continue to occur, with the larger release still awaiting “go authorization” from the military generals now in charge.

Continue reading Intel SITREP Report – GCR/RV, Republic, Military, Cabal, NESARA/GESARA

PAO – Update for September 6, 2016

sheldan nidle

3 Cauac, 2 Zip, 12 Caban

Dratzo! Many interesting events are now happening. The most important is that those in charge of delivering the vast amounts of humanitarian funds are preparing to do so. This vast transfer of funds globally promises to create the means for transforming how this world operates. Many parts of this globe have been deprived of the means needed to construct needed water, sewage and modern transportation systems. With funding, those nations that the old financial system either abused or denied can begin the complex process of design and construction. These various projects can swiftly bring even the most primitive regions the necessary water, sanitation and electricity so they can be modern and self-sufficient parts of this world. Then, a more contemporary education system can also be provided. These projects are to ensure that every part of this globe is connected to the worldwide net, as well as enabling all to have those things that are considered a part of the accoutrements of this modern world. Thus, these funds will end the disadvantages of the previous financial realities!

As these new realities modernize this world, they are expanding and preserving the numerous ecological systems as well. Over the past two centuries a vast array of native flora and fauna has been damaged by humanity. This mass destruction was previously carried out either to take over the region’s natural resources or “in the name of progress.” The primary purpose is currently shifting toward providing ways to improve humanity’s living standards and preserve those eco-systems vital to sustaining wildlife, trees and land needed for all of us to thrive. These newly envisioned restorations are to enable the natural order of life to thrive again. We are encouraged by the way in which you are starting to abandon old beliefs that doomed the existence of such noble realities. The old economic ways are to be buried in the Light of a new and rising prosperity. Another factor in all this is your ever-rising new consciousness.

Continue reading PAO – Update for September 6, 2016