Category Archives: #CityNewBalance

– We will build this City!

We will build better lives! Raise families!

We will care for each other!

Sharing is the only way!



When you are sitting in bed feeling like your entire body is ready to explode nothing else really matters, does it?In this video we actually get to talk to the owner of a company that specializes in making quality products with no fillers that may help you not get sick.Today we focused on Anti-Aging and Eye Health – and perhaps reversing Macular Degeneration using the same herbs Paul Harvey talked about for year and year and years.


The Reality of Free Energy (Video) | Stillness in the Storm

(Stillness in the Storm Editor) Jordan Sather, a guest writer for Stillness in the Storm, produced this short informative video about Free Energy technology, pulling from acknowledge historical data points. It is a good video to introduce the topic with friends and family who might not be aware.

Source: The Reality of Free Energy (Video) | Stillness in the Storm

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trumpsters Move To Buy CNN

Saturday, January 14, 2017

VIDEO: Trumpsters Move To Buy CNN – YouTube

Supporters of the Trumpster now have made a move to take over Att/Time Warner – which owns CNN – and the other 5 News Organizations which run the News across the world.

The sales will go through the day the Trumpster in inaugurated

Time for the Truth to Emerge.

Most of these CNN Reporters will be lucky to find a job cleaning toilets in about 6 months.

In retaliation for these efforts the Obama Handlers have ordered the NSA to turn over all telephone call recordings to the Satanic NAZI  CIA for immediate release through these FAKE News Sites like CNN and Time Magazine.

Please keep in mind that many, many CIA Agents are Patriots and there will be Hell to pay if they cooperate with this outgoing Illegal Alien.

The intent here is to sabotage the Trump Presidency.

What else would you expect form the Satanic NAZI’s in the Democratic Party?

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Trumpsters Move To Buy CNN

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: US Main Stream Media In Total Panic

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

VIDEO:  US Main Stream Media In Total Panic – YouTube

As we get closer and closer to the inauguration of the Trumpster the main stream media will go more and more insane.

In their latest attempt to try and stop the inauguration and save their own hides from the coming War Tribunals:

1) First –  The Department of Homeland Security, a French Based Corporation with over 229,000 employees operating around the world, was started by a Former SS Member of NAZI Germany, began Federalizing the elections. This means the individual states have lost control of the election process.

I was involved with this process when the Father Land Protection Department – later named the Department of Homeland Security – was formed. Rather than leading the Washington State Homeland Security Department I chose to continue to stop these coming Nuclear Wars and Presidential Assassination.

In an attempt to over turn the last President Election the Directors of Homeland Security, Secretary Jeh Charles Johnson, was given an offer he “NO CANNA REFUSE” and has decided to stand down.

There is a power here on Earth that would deal with those trying to stop the Trumpster.

The security the Trumpster has hired are all fully aware of what is at stake here – the survival of Planet Earth.

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: US Main Stream Media In Total Panic

Goldfish Report No. 68, 1-10-17 with Kent Dunn

This video is kind of a summary of the four in the prior post. I encourage all to use discernment with all of the intel. Published on Jan 10, 2017 On GoldFish Report No. 68, Intel Guest Kent Dunn returns to the GoldFish Report to lay his cards on the table about why he is […]

via Goldfish Report No. 68, 1-10-17 with Kent Dunn… — Kauilapele’s Blog

I CHOOSE A LIFE OF SERVICE! Is The Event’ happening on 14Jan17 – The Signs Are There


11 January 2017


Brian hyland melbourne.jpg

This morning I was made aware of my dad’s presence behind and supporting me. Now I can feel him and the tears are rolling!:-)

My other confirmation was yesterday when a friend said that she saw her Aunty inside her reflection in the mirror.

To me that makes two confirmations that deceased, loved ones are showing themselves to their living, loved ones here in Perth, Australia.

Looks like our loved ones have all come back to support us in this transformation that is about to occur.

“I was rocked the other day with what I felt to be a reversal of the gravity field on new years day around 11. It nearly knocked me off my feet. I broke out into multiple bodies, at least four or five all standing with me. I felt the ground shake for several hours with aftershocks.”

The Blue Avians told Corey Goode that when The Event/Energy Wave was almost upon us, we would get reports from all over the world of deceased, loved ones visiting the living.  “By this, you will know that it is almost upon you”.

This is the beginning of the New Golden Age that Cobra is calling NEW ATLANTIS!

The veil is an energy grid that extends 8.6 miles up from the surface of the planet. Its function is to block access to most of what is inside of us. It has been mined and latched with booby traps which are being deactivated before The Event can happen.   This frequency fence that blocks us, is ending, and is being replaced now with what Cobra is calling The NEW ATLANTIS ENERGY GRID.

At some point during or after the event, that part that is unconscious will become conscious again. It contains all of our past lives and memories and our 4D/5D/6D? abilities.

I have noticed that telepathy and synchronicity are increasingly present in my life. And for others around me too!

“We have been contained to only 2.3% of what looks to be an IMMENSE brain capacity.”-Kent Dunn

The event will allow the world to change. The Event will allow the GCR/RV, NESARA/GESARA, New financial system, new government, New free energy tech, replicators (advanced 3d printers), food clothing and shelter for the entire planet.

To my knowledge, The Event is not Ascension, but there are many entanglements in the understanding and unfolding of both of these events.

Continue reading I CHOOSE A LIFE OF SERVICE! Is The Event’ happening on 14Jan17 – The Signs Are There

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Congress Certifies Trump Vote – Biden Laughs

Saturday, January 7, 2017


VIDEO: Congress Certifies Trump As Biden Laughs – YouTube

It’s all a game – except this time the stakes are real.

There is a New Sheriff in town – GOD’s Angels are back thanks to you, this audience.

Those not cooperating, and who have not specifically done as GOD has asked them to do, are being rounded up and dealt with by the thousands. There is no more wiggle room.

Those who have tried to assassinate Putin or Obama, or start a Nuclear War and thus turning this planet into Wiffle Dust, ARE being contained at this moment.

Do Not Kill My Presidents and Do Not Crack This Planet In Half.

And – if you do not do as GOD has asked you – well – over 100 Bankstas dead – GOD will deal with you Face To Face. You were warned…

This will be the number one topic at the Economic Forum in Devos Switzerland 17 -20 January 2017.

“Who Ain’t There”

By the way – I have been informed privately that the NAZIs in Antarctica are in full cooperation with this elimination of those wishing to crack this planet in half and they are now becoming actively involved in stopping it. It only took them 10 years to get around to it.

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Congress Certifies Trump Vote – Biden Laughs

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Uninstalling Obama – Almost There

Friday, January 6, 2017

Uninstalling Obama – Almost There


VIDEO: Unistalling Obama – Almost There – YouTube

Over the next few days the task set before the American People, Congress and the President Elect Trump will be to uninstall the Obama Satanic NAZI regime and all the damage they have done to us – not only here in America but around the world.

President Obama is the only individual who received the Nobel Peace Prize and bombed 7 countries: Libya, Syria, etc.

The last 5% will not be an easy task. A story breaking last night by a George Soros/CIA Fake News Site is that 50 Republican Delegates and 16 Democratic Delegate voted illegally. This story is not only fake but intended to stop the election process and will more than likely be ignored.

As you recall the last time a NAZI Democrat was lost power in 2001 then Vice President Al Gore screamed and hollered and claim the whole election was a fraud, despite over 3 million dead people and at least 15 million Fake Ballot that all voted for him. Remember the Hanging Chad stories 16 years ago!!!

When Clinton left office the economy was so bad that in 2001 the US Inc was spending dollars not collected until 2004 – this is how he cooked the books.

Jan 7, 2001 Story New York Times: Over some objections, Congress certifies votes.

The same story will be recycled for tomorrow – same story, different decade.

There is a difference though. There is a New Kid in town and he is supported by some very powerful people who are turning over the entire Elite Core.

As for any attempts to Blow Donald Trump in half during the Inauguration – Trump is forcing Hillary #4,  and her other CO-Conspirators – to sit in the front row during the Inauguration.

AS for the economy – last year the US Department of Defense announced it had spent $6.7 Trillion on a $700 Billion Dollar Budget. The Obama Regime is out of control.

Keep in mind that the entire world’s Underground Space Program is paid for with checks from the US Navy.

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Uninstalling Obama – Almost There

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Left Goes Looney As Right Begins Mop Up

Thursday, January 5, 2017


VIDEO: Left Goes Looney A Right Begins Mop Up – YouTube

The news is all over the board today but it appears that the Left has gone absolutely insane as the Right tries to mop up the mess the Satanic Left Wingers have created over the last 16 years.

So here is the daily wrap-up in the news.

In the lead Story:

Yesterday four Black teens were arrested for kidnapping and torturing an Autistic Child for 48 hours

four black teenagers – all 18 years old – stole a van and drove it into Chicago, convincing their “Friend” from school to go with them. When they arrived they tied him up and began to torture him, live streaming it on Facebook screaming “F” White People and “F” Trump.

What is amazing is that this poor Autistic child was friends with one of the Blacks named Britney, a Paid Member of Black Live Matters.

So – if the FBI knows that Black Lives Matters is a Terrorist Group – why have they not yet shut them down yet?

Over 4,331 shootings in Chicago last year – 12 per day – and most of the shootings were done using FBI provided Pistols.

The tighter the Gun Laws – the more shootings, rapes and murders there are.

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Left Goes Looney As Right Begins Mop Up

DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Age Backwards – Here Are The Techniques

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Age Backwards – Here Are The Techniques

Video: How To Grow Younger, Feel Better – YouTube

In this video we discuss how we are embarking down the road to reverse our ages

The original process was given to TRW Aerospace and has been used for decades on certain Key Personnel.

We are now trying their techniques to see how quickly the process works.

There are no references to this and if it works we can all look forward to a very long life here on Planet Earth

Continue reading DR WILLIAM MOUNT: Age Backwards – Here Are The Techniques

Putin Tours Anti-Aging Research Facility in St. Petersburg — Partial Disclosure of SSP Technology? — Stillness in the Storm

by Justin Deschamps

Anti-aging technology or the fountain of youth has long been desired by human beings. Various explorers looked for how to make it a reality, such as the Spanish conquistador Ponce de León. Several Secret Space Program (SSP) insiders have said that this technology has been developed behind closed doors, capable of extending life…

via Putin Tours Anti-Aging Research Facility in St. Petersburg — Partial Disclosure of SSP Technology? — Stillness in the Storm

Scalar Waves and Free Energy — The Event Chronicle

By John Maguire What is a “scalar wave” exactly? Scalar waves (hereafter SW) are often likened to “longitudinal” waves. Other theorists have modeled them as virtual pressure waves existing in subquantum “potentials”. The term “scalar” is often used because the hypothetical source of these waves is thought to be a “scalar field” of some kind. This means it possesses magnitude but not direction — similar to the Higgs Field…

via Scalar Waves and Free Energy — The Event Chronicle

Nikola Tesla and numbers 3, 6 and 9: The secret key to free energy? — The Event Chronicle

If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe. – Nikola Tesla While many people draw a connection between Tesla and electricity, the truth is that Tesla’s inventions went far beyond it. In fact, he made groundbreaking discoveries such as wireless radio communications, turbine engines, helicopters (although…

via Nikola Tesla and numbers 3, 6 and 9: The secret key to free energy? — The Event Chronicle

Gaza Teen Uses Candle Heat To Generate Electricity — Your News Wire

A sixteen year old girl in Gaza has discovered a way to overcome chronic power shortages, by constructing a device that can generate electricity from the heat of candles. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA ) said that electricity blackouts were triggered when the Gaza Power Plant (GPP) shut down completely in…

via Gaza Teen Uses Candle Heat To Generate Electricity — Your News Wire

A Battery That Produces Energy Continuously Since 1950 Exists in a Romanian Museum — Karpen’s Pile — Humans Are Free

The “Dimitrie Leonida” National Technical Museum from Romania hosts a weird kind of battery. Built by Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen, the pile has been working uninterrupted for 60 years.“I admit it’s also hard for me to advance the idea of an overunity generator without sounding ridiculous, even if the object exists,” says Nicolae Diaconescu, engineer and director…

via A Battery That Produces Energy Continuously Since 1950 Exists in a Romanian Museum — Karpen’s Pile — Humans Are Free

New Study Finds Meditation Creates A Distinct Network Of Genes (Anti-Aging) & Improves Cellular Health — True Disclosure : news

Science has now accepted that meditation can have powerful effects on human health, as more research is exposing these mind-blowing benefits. Some experienced meditators have even been referred to as “superhumans” because of how their practice has affected them (check out our article here). A study recently published in Translational Psychiatry proved just how beneficial…

via New Study Finds Meditation Creates A Distinct Network Of Genes (Anti-Aging) & Improves Cellular Health — True Disclosure : news

Free Energy Earth Battery Based on the Work of Nikola Tesla — The Event Chronicle

By Pao Chang This is a very interesting video that shows a free energy generator built based on some of Nikola Tesla’s inventions and teachings. This overunity energy generator does not need any fuel to work and has the ability to harness the energy of the environment. In the video, the generator is buried underground…

via Free Energy Earth Battery Based on the Work of Nikola Tesla — The Event Chronicle


We do not mean the End of the Line for us, but, rather, for the infamous Cabal.

We realize they are desperate, because the end is coming. However, there is still time for them to raise havoc and chaos in a last gasp effort to delay things.

Should Group K finish with acquiring the New Technologies and also opening the Global Accounts, then tremendous changes will begin to take place on this planet that favor We the People.

The Globalists will find themselves flat on their asses trying frantically to make sweetheart deals wherever and whenever possible, but to no avail.

Meanwhile, the Khazarians / Zionists / NWO /  Globalists are sitting in a pressure cooker, not knowing which way to turn. Remember, “Desperate people do desperate things”!

Continue reading NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | End Of The Line

How UFO disclosure can ensure energy independence » The Event Chronicle

UFOs “obey, not defy the laws of physics, and UFO technology is not only explainable but also attainable.”

CHENNAI: Many readers ask how is UFO Disclosure connected to India’s Energy-Independence. To know the answer let us first analyze UFOs – they are generally round in shape, metallic with a flat bottom and doomed top, having no wings, tails or visible external engines but often there is a glow seen around them. They can stay still or silent, slowly maneuver over an area, sometimes at a very low altitude, then suddenly take off at extraordinary speed leaving no exhaust and also make sudden right angle turns. How is it possible for UFOs to exhibit this kind of flight pattern?

This question was answered by none other than a NASA scientist. Dr Paul Hill (1909-1990) was a pioneering aeronautical research engineer who worked for NASA from 1939 to 1970. He was the Associate Chief, Applied Materials and Physics Division at NASA and was awarded NASA’s Exceptional Service Medal in 1969. He had a UFO sighting in 1950 and he spent the next 25 years trying to figure out the mechanics of the UFOs.His research papers were published as a book Unconventional Flying Objects: A Scientific Study by his daughter in 1995, five years after his death.

Continue reading How UFO disclosure can ensure energy independence » The Event Chronicle

Corey Goode Intel Update Part 1 – Sphere-Being Alliance

16 Aug 2016 : 16:00


Our planet and solar system is going through a change far more profound than most people could ever imagine. Not only are extraterrestrials very real, both the positive and negative groups are far more involved in our own lives than most of us could ever realize. Although many people now discount the classic spiritual teachings that we have received over the millennia, it turns out that nothing could be of greater significance for us to study and practice.

I performed 20 years of service in the “secret space program,” which is still unknown to most people. And yet, more and more insiders are now emerging, such as aerospace engineer William Tompkins, who can independently validate many aspects of my testimony. Tompkins can be seen on Cosmic Disclosure, a weekly show on Gaia that has helped me share this message with a large audience now exceeding the TV viewership numbers of CNN.

Continue reading Corey Goode Intel Update Part 1 – Sphere-Being Alliance

Breaking: Did the World End Yesterday and Nobody Noticed? | Veterans Today

The end of the hydrocarbon/fiat currency world or magnificent video fakery, Keshe device heads by backroads to White House confrontation

The device you are seeing, done by one of five teams testing new Keshe technology to end all dependence on wind, solar and nuclear energy, oh yes, we mean oil and coal too, is, if we can believe our eyes, powering enough appliances to run an entire house.

There are issues here that tie to secret societies, police informants and “crisis actor” recruiters, the terror attacks in Paris and a “Boston brakes” murder in Italy only a few weeks ago, but we are getting ahead of ourselves.

Continue reading Breaking: Did the World End Yesterday and Nobody Noticed? | Veterans Today

Jordan Maxwell: “The Elites Use War to Make Blood Sacrifice to Extraterrestrial Gods!” | Blogging/Citizen Journalism

Tuesday, August 9, 2016 7:52

The New World Order agenda is the alien agenda, as the late whistleblower Phil Schneider once said. Many are too afraid to touch the topic of aliens for fear of losing popularity, credibility or alienating (pun intended) their friends and readers. There are even many alternative researchers who struggle with the idea that the creeping centralization of power is a manifestation of an alien agenda.

However, the truth is the truth, and the evidence, as we shall see, is overwhelming. If you’re wondering how ETs (extraterrestrials) or aliens fit into the whole picture of the NWO (New World Order), it’s simple: they’re intimately involved at the top of the pyramid. The NWO agenda is the alien agenda; they are one and the same.

It’s essential to realize that the directors of the entire NWO worldwide conspiracy are non-human entities: groups of interfering ETs, and behind them, a shadowy force known as the Djinn or Archons.

Continue reading Jordan Maxwell: “The Elites Use War to Make Blood Sacrifice to Extraterrestrial Gods!” | Blogging/Citizen Journalism

Free energy is an absolute imperative for the future of the earth and humanity » Intellihub

Almost every “expert” who presents the “renewable” alternatives limits his/her discussion to the known sources

The global ecological crisis demands radical changes in the way in which we use energy. Traditional renewable approaches such as solar, wind and biomass are attractive but can be capital and materials intensive, diffuse and intermittent. My own research and travel reveals an increasingly large number of experiments suggesting that we might be able to obtain clean and abundant energy from the vacuum or from low energy nuclear reactions (cold fusion).

But these results fly in the face of conventional physics. “The resistance to a new idea”, Bertrand Russell said, “increases as the square of its importance.” Through the ages, perhaps no idea is more important or more maligned than that of perpetual motion or free energy. Inventors rarely lead easy lives, but those dedicated to the quest for free energy have met with especially great resistance. We look at the sagas of Nikola Tesia, T. Henry Moray, Bruce de Palma and Stefan Marinov as examples spanning this past century.

Continue reading Free energy is an absolute imperative for the future of the earth and humanity » Intellihub

Keshe Foundation Special Update – New Generator Design, Corporate Retailer Buys One Million Units, SpaceShip Tech » The Event Chronicle

Notes Provided By Didi Annapurna 

I listened to the Keshe Foundation’s latest Special Presentation video and made some notes. I don’t know if anyone has posted the video already as the search in BIN is not working now. I thought maybe you would like to read a bit too. Sorry if any mistakes, as his speech is a bit confusing for me. Keshe was introducing his new Magravs-Power Plasma Generator, which produces up to 3 kW. It includes two units connected. It is not that complicated as the one Magrav Unit system – as far as I understand.

One of the major corporations in the world, a multi store retail group, has ordered one million of these generators / month! And another 1 million ordered! So now the problem is to find manufacturers. He also mentioned that 20-25 people in Belgium bought earlier magrav units, and couldn’t get it or their payment back, due to some legal problem … but now they can get…

Continue reading Keshe Foundation Special Update – New Generator Design, Corporate Retailer Buys One Million Units, SpaceShip Tech » The Event Chronicle

NASA Astronaut Says Free Energy Devices Are Real | Your News Wire

Posted on July 22, 2016 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai

NASA astronaut filmed saying that free energy weapons are actually real

A former NASA astronaut and Princeton professor has admitted on camera that free energy devices are real and that hundreds of scientists know about them.

Dr. Brian O’Leary was interviewed shortly before his death stating that over-unity devices (free energy devices) have been proven in hundreds of labs around the world, but that the media have refused to talk about them.

Continue reading NASA Astronaut Says Free Energy Devices Are Real | Your News Wire

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